Friday, March 17, 2006

need alfredo

mornin, kids.
i love today. just so you know.

last night was the usual thursday night for the most part. cassi came over, we drank beer, cassi left, i ate, i went to bed. but...i didn't go to sleep. i'll get to that shortly. but first:

we got drunk enough to book a damn near $300/nt hotel room.
we got drunk enough to convince me that i NEED cici's pizza in the very near future.
we got drunk enough to call brooke & re-request the cabin for memorial day.

I got drunk enough to watch a kera special
i did NOT get drunk enough to send them $150 in order to keep the station on the air.

are you fucking kidding me? they draw me into watching the stupid channel by showing something fabulous - many talented musicians paying tribute to johnny cash. THEN (they must have known a drunk like me was watching) they throw in the "for a simple contribution of $150, you can keep specials like these on the air".


3 days 'til cassi's big day
7 days 'til our trip to austin
21 days 'til my first nascar experience
41 days 'til redneck woodstock.

Monday, March 13, 2006


mondays always blow.

i am BEAT today. we worked our butts off this weekend on our new fence. well, keith & wesley did most of the work, but i supervised quite well. i also think that i helped quite a bit on the beer consumption. we drank like 4 cases of beer between 4 of us. there's somethin' to be proud of, huh? i can see it now, i'm gonna be runnin' around with a cigarette hangin' out of my mouth with a baby on one hip and a milwaukee's best in my hand.

anyway, we have about 40 feet left to complete. and my new rock garden idea. i've decided that since i can't keep a plant alive (except for ONE ivy), then i should focus on something i can't kill. what do you think about this one?

soo...that's about it.
except for the countdown and my favorite quote from this weekend.

"i was born on the first day of spring. that's why i'm so good lookin'"-cassi


7 days til' cassi's 21st
24 days til' my first nascar experience
45 days til' the best redneck woodstock ever

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


sorry, people.
i got shit to do.

well, i don't know much.
which is part of the reason i haven't blogged in a coon's age.

so let me just share some things that make me very happy.

-hanging out with gabby
-cassi's upcoming birthday (13 days)
-my fence is under construction
-it is almost springtime
-ljt '06 is only 51 days away
-planet tan has new plans...wooohooooo
-i made some brownies
-there ain't no place in texas that you can't hear a train

pace picante sauce.