Thursday, February 17, 2005

strung out & wrung out

alright kids. this one is gonna suck because i have nothing in my head except the fear of finance tonight. it makes no f-ing sense. i have no desire to delve into the field of finance. unless you're talking about a checkbook (preferably of a rich man...not my checkbook). i'm sure i'll smoke at least a pack before class tonight. ugh i hate school. it totally stresses me out.

soooo, i'm listening to the dedringers this morning - its been awhile. probably since the horrific camping trip to hillbilly hell (stephenville). most of you don't know who the dedringers are (mainly because you listen to sucky music), but they are damn good little singers/songwriters. i shouldn't have used the word little. they are young men. i'm feeling super-old lately.

speaking of feeling super-old. so i got invited to one of those "spa parties" last weekend. i knew what would happen. i believed the whole spiel (?) of shit about how this stuffs gonna make me look like i'm 18 again, so i ended up spending like $250 on skin care products. you wanna know what? i had a reaction to it, and i look like a fuckin leper. i mean it. my face feels like a cat's tongue! i am going to continue my binge drinking, smoking and washing my face with $5 products from wal-mart. i really didn't look THAT bad until the "spa party". unbelievable!

ok...i may get the quote wrong because i was really tired, but its from the movie "grand theft parsons" and it cracked me up (you had to see it).

"right, trust you. i'm just overflowing with trust in you right now"
-stoned, long-hair guy

alright, pray for me tonight, kids.

only 1 day until girl scouts gone wild '05!!!!
hey, maybe i'll post to the blog there...if my internet will work out in BFE.


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