Wednesday, June 22, 2005

be afraid

mornin kids.

ok, i'm probably about to give some of you the shock of your life. so angie, please sit down.
well maybe not that extreme, but you will be surprised. i want to have a baby. yep. and i'm pretty much positive about that statement, or i wouldn't have said it.
yes, i think i can give up my party lifestyle for about 18 years. maybe.
i don't know what happenned to me last night, but i saw ella, and that was it. something just clicked. it is craziness. i have seen SO many babies and never got too thrilled about them. but now...ugh. let's stop talking about this. i'm scaring myself.

so anyway, ella elise was born yesterday. she weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 19 1/4 inches long. she is the cutest thing ever!! wrapped up like a little burrito.

ok, onto another subject.
i have this little story that my friend told me on friday. it was going to be the quote of the day, but it would be too long. so here we go. i have this friend we will call fred (to protect the guilty). fred was sitting on his back porch smokin' a joint. once he finished, he threw the roach in the backyard and didn't think twice about it. well...later on that evening, his dog couldn't walk and was acting all funny. actually, i think it was his grandma's dog, but that doesn't matter.
anyway, his nana said "fred, there's something wrong with that dog." to which fred replied, "there's somethin' wrong with me too." haha!
so they took the dog to the animal emergency clinic (keep in mind 2 out of the 3 passengers are stoned as hell) and they said they had to do all kinds of tests and it was going to be like $900. so fred, in anticipation of the tests revealing marijuana in the dog's system, said "nana, i think this dog will be fine, let's not spend all that money." nana replies "i think you're right. if he dies, oh well" (or something to that effect).
so, the moral of the story is "always throw your roach over in the neighbor's yard"

alright, i think that's all for now.
*and FYI - i do not smoke dope. but i like stories about dope (they remind me of my younger years).

"balder than a motherfucker. jammin'."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl.. I don't believe it.. A baby... Keith will be happy. Angie

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That must have been some headbanger boogie sheeyat cuz i aint never heard of no dog acting crazy over a roach. My dog used to come into my room when I would smoke...haha...he would get right up to my face and start sniffing...then he would just go back to sleep!! You had to be careful with your stash cuz he would eat it if it was laying I loved that dog!!


11:00 AM  

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