Tuesday, June 21, 2005

pepto is my friend

mornin' kids.
has anyone ever had that new cherry pepto? its pretty good. especially if you are sick. hehe
feelin' about the same today. but a girl has to get paid ya know?

so i took my BLAW final last night (in between puke breaks). bombed the hell out of it. but the prof likes me...so i should be good to go. or let's hope so anyway. 7 more classes to go, keep praying for me.
oh, and while you're doing that, send one up for amber & koby today as well. going in to get that little girl out of there at 11:30. i can't wait to see her!!!

oh my gosh, joana was in my office just now talking about deep sea fishing and she managed to throw her coffee up in her face and all down her shirt & arm. i think i just peed myself.

well, nothing too exciting to talk about. if anyone is a pro in finance, i need to become your best friend over the next 7 weeks. thank you very much.

"girl, my brother's girlfriend's cousin bought a scratch off ticket last week and won $30,000. I think she's a crack head too, how come people who win money are always the people who don't do nothing useful with it?"
-my crazy friend b

later kats.


Blogger Andrew said...

That sucks that you don't feel good. I'm the same way..save all the sick days I can so I can use them as vacation days. Get Better!!

3:39 PM  

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