Tuesday, June 14, 2005


mornin' folks.

dude...i feel so much better today. not sure why.
maybe its because the 2 cases of beer i drank friday are finally out of my system?

sooo...nothing too exciting today. oh wait. the starbuck's hottie loves me. made my day this morning. my jcp friends know this, but some of you may not: when i worked at jcp, i drove this certain shortcut to work. there happenned to be a starbuck's on the way, so i always stopped there. well...it is not so much on the way for me anymore, but i still go there. fuckin pitiful sad life i lead, huh?

ragweed's at lone star park friday. thought about going. then changed my mind. too many damn fights - kids these days....j/k. seriously, i went last year, and there were lots of boob shots. that was pretty cool. but people were throwing beers and shit. it was irritating. kinda reminds me of a certain show in stephenville when chaos broke out. good times.

talked to amanda yesterday. come to find out, we only took TWO pictures all weekend. this is probably a good thing, because 90% of the pictures of me would be laying in the bed crying for my mom on saturday. but i'm kinda pissed that we didn't take more. oh well.

alright, well i gotta run.
here's another IM from russell. we have such intelligent conversation.

rkmds73: is it a male or female hottie?
imanoldgringo: male
imanoldgringo: dude, i'm not gay. how many times do i have to tell you?
rkmds73: I know you are not gay. Thought maybe you were cool though

in the words of my dear cassi:
peace the f- out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad that you are feeling better today!!


11:04 AM  

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