Friday, September 23, 2005

drunk dial, drunk dial

everybody drunk dial.
if you got a message from me last night, i'm sorry. it was unavoidable.
good gosh almighty i got sloppy. not wise for a thursday night.
to top it off, i forgot to take my meds this morning (i was WAY late), so now i need someone to behead me.

amber has officially scared the hell outta me. thank you, dahling.
now instead of going out on the town this weekend, i will be cleaning out my tornado shelter & preparing for the worst.
i'll need comfy blankets.
a flashlight with batteries.
a weather radio.
dear louis.
maybe some dog food & water for the weiners.
and some cigarettes so i don't bite off all my nails.

i'm a little thrown off today.
sorry for the senseless rambling.

blah blah blah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no need to say you are sorry for the babbling. you always babble.



3:06 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

And...not a drop of rain. I wanted to say something to everyone in my office scrabling friday to buy gas,water,batteries..but I bit my lip.

7:44 AM  
Blogger Dogman said...

Could your blog be any better? I think not! It's been a long time since I have visited, but I certainly enjoyed catching up!

4:59 PM  

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