Wednesday, October 26, 2005


ok, i'm officially house hunting in the hill country.
not really.
but i should.

aside from the fact that dallas blows and its ugly, i found one more reason i need to move. my allergies are BACK. i didn't have to pop one single allegra last weekend. and now i need to be put in the guillotine.

on a lighter note...i had the motivation last night to put some songs back on my ipod. yep, sent the laptop to the shop and it came back with no itunes. i was livid. so anyway, i'm back up to 319 songs. fuck yeah!

hmmm...saturday night, what to do?
3rd annual costume party @ julia's...or the dedringers @ woody's?
i say dedringers @ woody's, but i drink too much to drive to ft. worth. so there's my decision.

alright, gotta get to work.

"OH MY GOD. are we in fucking antarctica?"
-you got it...cassi.



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