Friday, October 21, 2005


mornin kids.
ok, seriously, this chick that sits outside my office is listening to a song that says "i play chicken with a train". wtf is THAT???? i'm about to jump off the 9th floor. so i shut my door and cranked up the edge.

speaking of suicide, i saw this guy at the gas station that i went to high school with. i am not going to tell you his real name (he's been to prison, which he so openly shared with me) but we used to call him suicide. he was quite the scary-looking character (still is) but is SUPER nice. now i know what you're thinking "how could anyone who has been to prison be super nice?" well i'll tell ya. he did not kill, rape, rob or hurt anybody. his dog attacked a police dog, which is, according to my sources, as bad as assaulting a police officer. so the poor guy went to prison for 4 years. so anyway, to the funny part.
here's our conversation:
Me: "hey, i'm planning our 10 year reunion for this time next year, i need to get your contact information so i can invite you."
S: "um...i didn't really graduate."
Me: "that's ok, you went to school with us. you should come. we're having a huge party."
S: "well, that's kinda against my parole."
Me: "you mean probation?"
S: "no, i mean parole. i went to prison for 4 years. just got out."
Me: "well so you can't come to the party?"
S: "i can't be around alcohol." (as he was standing in line behind me with a 12 pack of heineken)
Me: "so, yeah, prison musta sucked."
S: "well it wasn't fun courtney."
Me: "ok. well it was good seeing you, bye." (as i run out the door)

so i'm not really into working today, not much going on anyway.
the boss lady is in atlanta, so i'm just finishing up some stuff and gettin' the F out of here. should be some classic pictures after this trip.

"does my sexiness O-ffend you?"
-the queen of quotes (a.k.a. cassi)



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