Monday, March 28, 2005

honk if you're an asshole

UGH - its monday. yes, i'm going to complain today. A LOT.

today must be "drive like an asshole day" in plano. i SWEAR everyone was driving like idiots! i almost got ran off the road by one of those lumber trucks, then some jackhammer in a little truck crammed his ass in between me & another car. and if you know me, you know i will ride your ass until you have to get over. i'm a tailgating biotch. dude...did all the yankees migrate to north texas? i think so.

oh my, ladies - i know i'm a day late & a dollar short (ok, many days late), but i saw troy last night for the first time. good lord!!! i don't like bloody, gory (sp?) fighting movies, but it rocked my world! well, actually only achilles and paris. that orlando bloom (paris) reminds me of this guy i know and i now officially have a huge crush on him (as if i didn't before)!! holy hell, have any of you seen that movie? WHEW. brad pitt's naked butt almost sent me into a seizure. probably because it has been many years since i've seen a trunk like that! alright, let me change subjects - focus courtney.

so, i have never had a problem with anxiety or anything like that, but i think i do now. i didn't sleep a wink last night! i kept waking up feeling like i was having a heart attack - i'm not kidding. it was scary. i still feel something weird in my chest. i was trying to tell keith about it, but of course he was like "uhmm...argh...blah" as he rolled over and continued snoring.
my mom swears that when she eats onions that she can't sleep - well, i had potato salad yesterday with LOTS of onions in it & i am beginning to think that her little theory could be true. i know it sounds crazy, but i can't figure out what the hell is wrong with me. i NEVER have trouble sleeping - i mean i can sleep ANYWHERE (except an airplane).

bought the shooter jennings cd this weekend, that's right, he is the late waylon's son. i think i like it, but i'm not sure. i may just like it because he's got long hair & smokes pot. well, i don't know him personally, but by the lyrics in some of his songs suggest that he may partake in a little extra-curricular...why that is hot to me, i don't know. must be the whole bad boy thing...or i'm just a freak, which is probably more like it.

OH - got my louis duffle on thursday, only its not real. yea, the jerk-off fooled me. i'm sending it back today. it almost looks real, except for the zippers - looks like he made them himself. my advice - if you want a louis, go ahead, save your money, and go to saks or neimans. i've always said i would never carry a fake anything, its just not cool. now i know better than to trust anyone on ebay. i should have known when he said his name was jason mcgraw but talked (typed) like a chinese person.

ok, well, i better get to work. i'm out of here early today for the dreaded accounting class (round 4 - i'll finish someday). and if you want to know about the quote of the day, just email me. it is a pretty funny story.

"i wish i would have diarreahed (sp?) in my pants so i could have showed you!"


24 days until my first spring campout!


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