Tuesday, March 22, 2005


listen, people - if you like candy, order some chocolate covered mini-pretzels from this website. preferably the 2lb bucket. they rock the f-in house!

so i am sucking at this blogging thing lately. i just can't get motivated. plus, i keep forgetting the camera, so there is really nothing interesting to post.

believe it or not, we actually ventured south of 121 this weekend. yes, i know, "what was the occasion?". well, it was a suprise dinner for lindsey at monica's in deep ellum. i thought i would be going alone, but finally talked keith into going. we had a good time. that place doesn't have the best food, but the atmosphere is very cool (minus the whole dallas crowd thing). they have a band there - i am not sure what you would call them. but just so you get the picture, there are like 4 mexican guys (one looks like santana - seriously) and they play drums, keyboard, guitar, and those drums you beat with your hands. i can't remember what they are called. but they were really good! they have a conga line (i think that's what you call it) and only ladies can participate - or that is all that participated that night except for the leader - he is a man. they go all through the restaurant dancing, then out the door, then when they come back in, there is a guy at the door pouring tequila down their throats - i was SO sad that i didn't join the line. of course, with my crippled leg, i would have looked pretty fucking special, huh?

anyway, everyone else went out after dinner, but i had to promise that i would not beg & plead to go out to the bars afterward. so i was good. i didn't cry and scream & throw a fit like i usually do. i didn't need to limp around all night anyway - especially after drinking heavily. whoa - what was that? the voice of reason? i must be ill.

anyway, sunday was a beautiful day here - keith worked (of course). i got up when he did and went to the grocery store in order to beat the church crowd. that worked beautifully, especially the handicap cart i had to use. that was a sight to see. i could almost see people thinking in their heads "what a lazy bitch. why is she in a handicap cart?". then i went home & hung out by the pool the rest of the day. i am really going to miss that pool once we decide to move. it is such good therapy.

well, what else? i start back to class on monday. that is going to suck. i wish i could win the lottery. i had a dream i won the weekly grand - i already had it planned out what i was going to pay off first. unfortunately, it was only a dream. i cried when i woke up.

ok, well back to work.

"where the fuck have you been?"
-my boss (not to me, thank god)



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