Monday, March 07, 2005

oh my god becky look at her butt

it is so big.
happy monday people. not really. but let's pretend.

well, i won't be able to walk this time tomorrow. why you ask? i started working out again today. i tend to overdo it the first few times - i guess trying to make up for the lack of exercise i've been getting over the last 3 months...besides the 12 oz curls, of course. i tried out the little gym here at work. it is DEFINITELY not 24 hour fitness, but is a lot cheaper. so we will make due for now.

well...almost got to go to austin on saturday, but got un-invited last minute. that's ok. i would have spent a fortune on booze anyways.
so basically, the weekend sucked on the party front. i was not able to convince K that i really needed to see mike mcclure on saturday. it probably didn't help that i was 3 sheets by the time he got home from work. ray charles could see that i didn't need to go anywhere (except to bed).

i cleaned my house like crazy on saturday - also got a new desk (which involved tools) and got frustrated with that, so i had to have a cold one before too long. but i got the living room all re-arranged, etc. looks good. i will say that i fucking hate having tile floors now. i was SORE from sweeping, mopping, getting on my knees cleaning dog hair out of the corners. you would think i could handle that type of work...but no. i'm definitely hiring a maid when we get back from vacation. the soreness from housecleaning is what inspired me to get my ass back to the gym. things were starting to look questionable.

what else? oh...went to magan's baby shower yesterday. it was a couple's shower. i went without my partner of course, because he was WORKING - as usual. anyway, it was fun. best baby shower i've ever been to - alcohol was served. can i get an amen? a word of warning - anymore of my friends that get pregnant, i ain't coming to the shower unless alcohol is served. baby showers suck more than paris hilton and i can't even tolerate one more (except for ambers because it WILL be fun). my baby shower will be a like a fucking festival. hell, i might even get a band to play and get a few kegs so i can convince all you people to bring me gifts. sound like a plan?

alright, well i think i'm done. i have to get up and walk around before my ass grows into this chair.

we have 2 quotes today. i couldn't choose and i would forget them both before tomorrow. one is from a blog that i like to read every few days...

"say fuck-it a lot"
-mike mcclure

"hey there!! ya ol' cork sucker"
-my brother, to me. such a sweet guy.


3 more days until CO!


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