Wednesday, March 09, 2005

rocky mountain high*

mornin sunshine!
its a beautiful day in plano.

courtney's words of wisdom: don't start working out the week of a ski trip. i'm not sure that my legs will work by friday. it took me an extra 30 minutes to get out of bed this morning (in my I love Dirk panties - yea, they rock). anytime i cough, laugh or sneeze, my abs almost split wide open, and i find it hard to get off the toilet without handicap rails to assist me. if it doesn't get any better, i guess i'll just hang out in the bar (that's usually my destination anyway).
i'm stoked - besides the river, the mountains are my favorite place in the world. unfortunately i have to get up at 5:00 in the morning. i think i will shower tonight & sleep in my clothes so all i have to do is put on my glasses, grab my pillow & go. this girl is sleeping for probably 8-10 hours of the drive anyway. in between helpings of beef jerky and smartfood. i'm not sure why, but that is all i love to eat on road trips. keith hates riding in the car with me because i drink so much water i have to pee (and smoke lately) every hour. he took my water away last time we drove. it was painful.

alright, well i have to cut it short. lots to do today.
by the way, comment you fuckers, you've been too quiet lately!

"buster, you ain't worth a sack of beat up dickheads!"
-some old guy in this story my dad told me about when they were kids

down the road

*i'm really not going to the rockies - i can't remember the name of the mountains we're going to...san fernando ricardo perez bernardino or something like that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you don't break a leg out ther in those mountains! drink a few for angie & me while we are here in the hellhole!

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope this trip doesn't result in another knee surgery. Good luck and safe skiing!!! Wish I was there w/ ya ---Amber

10:47 AM  

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