Thursday, April 14, 2005

the dirt 'stache

what's up chuck?

well...boring weekend ahead. keith is off work, we have no plans, blah.
now the next couple weeks is a different story, folks. rock on.

ok, the pinnacle of redneck. i just don't know if i can bring myself to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god. but i'll try.

so here we go. i got a phone call this morning from this guy we will call hank. hank was laughing his ass off because he successfully dumped in the same starbuck's two days in a row. wtf? walked in, went straight to the potty, walked out. didn't buy a damn thing. i'm like "dude, the least you could do is buy some coffee. or water. or something." i mean good lord! so of course i had more questions, because we all know how fascinated i am with weird shit (no pun intended).
"did anyone say anything? or look at you? or cuss you out? or kick you in the ass?" "nope, a couple of them yuppies looked at me, but i don't give a damn." good night nurse. i mean, i know that most of you know me pretty well...and i can be crude at times (ok a lot) but i am very particular about where i potty. yea, so i have no more to say on that matter.

onto bigger & better things...i will be working the avp (beach volleyball) tournament in austin 4/29-5/1. how cool is that? gonna hook up with good ol' jamie kramer (gunter, now) and we're gonna tear up the town. after we do a little volunteer work of course. actually, i think we're gonna head back to san antonio & crash at her place. stuff, no less. lots of beer will be drunk. or drank. or however you say it.

alright, well i think it's time for this girl to get out of here. it's weekend starts now.

"I have respect for her because she is slutty but she's TOTALLY ok with it."
~i won't be sharing the infamous author of this quote, in order to protect the innocent, or not so innocent, i should say

i can't believe i wrote a blog about dumping. i'm really stretching now.

peace out my nizzies.



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