Monday, April 04, 2005


hey guys. its monday. was brought to my attention that "your blog has been sucking lately", so i thought i would post. not sure how exciting it will be, but i'm posting, none the less. i've been very disconnected lately, not sure why. i think it is because i'm a little overwhelmed and busy. but that's ok. its springtime, and i LOOOOOVE the springtime, so i gotta suck it up.

friday night we had dinner with amber, koby, jamie, derek & macie at amber's house. it was awesome!! we ended up staying the night, b/c keith passed out in the chair & i couldn't get his ass up - most of you know he is 2 times my size (impossible for me to lift him).
so i went to the wake up fest on saturday. from what i recall, i had a great time. honestly, it was a LOT of fun. met some cool people and saw some interesting bands. on that subject, one band was called "warren jackson hearne and his merrie murdre of gloomadeers". yea, i thought the same thing you are thinking right now "WTF????" anyway, i had consumed lots of alcohol, and the guy playing the upright bass scared the hell out of me in his burglar mask. no shit, look them up online & you will see what i'm talking about. CRAZINESS. cool, but crazy.
the gourds were great, except their set was very short - only an hour or so. not nearly enough time for me to enjoy them. i would send pics, but i think i was too drunk to take any. i only found one on my camera, and it wasn't even a good one.

i babysat my nieces, eve & dorry yesterday (of the canine variety). they are SO cute!! i took lots of pictures, but my camera is dead now, so you'll have to be patient for those. like until tomorrow. no wait, i think i have some in my email. anyway, i was SOOOO hungover yesterday (all that keg beer) and i was going to lay in bed all day, but i knew keith would be pissed (i went out without him saturday night) if i laid around all day. so i got up, ate something, put on my swimsuit, and went outside to get some sun & let the dogs play. that wasn't such a good idea, because my head was pounding. i went in & took some drugs and liver-rite pills, and that helped. so i got some minor tan lines - 1st ones of the year! - and the hangover subsided. keith was drinking beer, but i couldn't - since i puked like 4 times that morning. anyway, i was a good little wife and made dinner (except the grilling part - he has to do that). and that was my weekend.

i'll try to work on making my posts more interesting, but honestly, its my life - how interesting can it get?

"michael hardy ate michael hardy"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww Courtney...i'm sorry that you are so overwhelmed and stressed...I hope it gets better. You have to be thankful that you have something to be stressed about...that you are able to afford the education that you are getting...I know you are busy so I will stop talking sheeyat about how short your blogs have really do have a busy life...and I wouldn't worry about keeping this up to date that much. Well I just want to leave you with this riddle. What never goes out of style that you can wear all the time? A smile! So keep your head up C!! Peace out home skillet!!

4:00 PM  

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