Thursday, June 09, 2005

yo yo yo

what up homies?
thank God its thursday. actually, its friday for me. sort of.
and what a lovely day it is. june 9th. the day i get off crutches. sort of.

so am i the only one who thinks banana republic rules? probably. but ladies, just walk by the one in stonebriar mall & checkout the black dress in the window. fuckin' a. i bought it. and a lot of other shit yesterday, but that's beside the point. this dress is the definition of smokin' hot. i have a wedding next weekend, and was planning on wearing a dress i already have. but not now. it rocks the house. ok, enough talk of this because i'm already having buyer's remorse.

went to the eye doc yesterday. she had to GIVE me a sample that she had of contacts, because i ripped my last pair yesterday. pretty sad. and i didn't realize how expensive those fuckers are! $24/box. that is ridiculous. oh wait, they help me see. nevermind.

ok, well i think that is it for today. hope today's im doesn't offend anyone. hell, who am i kidding? i don't care who i offend. its my blog!
this is my friend russell talking about the girls' weekeend...

rkmds73: ya'll girls will be balled up like two squirrels in a tube sock.
rkmds73: be sure and take pictures of some titties for me

men are pigs.
alright, i'm out.

papa c. rock
(my pimp name)

24 hours and counting!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love banana! Their clothes seem to fit soooooo perfect!!! It's a little pricey for me but some of there clearence racks work just as good to. I hope you take pics of this so called hot dress. I'm sure you will wear it very well!! And yes do take pics of some nakedness....hahaha! Have a fun trip C dawg!!

Louie C.

11:23 AM  

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