Monday, June 13, 2005


mornin' kids.
good night nurse it is a bad day!
the weekend is a bit of a blur as well. which is probably a good thing.

soooo....where to begin?
friday cassi & i got to NB around 3. unpacked & started drinking (bad idea). amanda & mari joined us around 5:30.
went to the floathouse to see the dedringers. that was fun. drank too much there too (or i did, anyway). threw my lighter at sean and missed - it landed on the roof of some other building. that sucked. jonny b. had some blood-like stuff on his shorts...said he killed a guy. ok...
so back to the campground. drank a lot more. apparently there were some heated debates on topics that i don't recall. drunk courtney missed all that. my brain wasn't working anyway, so i wouldn't have had anything of value to offer.

i am told that bedtime was 3 or so a.m. but i do not concur.
my hangover would suggest otherwise.
yea, so on the subject of hangovers. i still have one. no shit.

saturday turned out to be a not-so-good day for courtney. i knew i couldn't bail on floating because the girls were so pumped. but i was in & out of the bed all morning. i decided that if i could get out in the sun and start sweating, i would feel better. i did for awhile, but then felt like i was passing out. maybe because i had not eaten since 5:00 the day before?
so we go a-floatin', not sure what time it was. everything about me was just not right on saturday.
so i finally choked down a beer on the river. then a sandwich, then water, then another beer, then water, then a third beer. then i opted not to drink. it was just too painful.
got back to the cabin. 2 of the girls showered, decided to go out, while the thought of curling up in a ball (or a tube sock) and sleeping sounded more attractive to me. so we went to bed at 9:45. i don't know what the girls did saturday night either. i was in a deep slumber...

so cassi & i got back around 2:30 yesterday. i actually drank a few beers last night, but the sickness has returned. the same way i felt saturday. ugh.
i still can't get my appetite back. alcohol is a BAD BAD thing!!!!
it was a fun trip, despite the still-lingering ache in my soul.

alright, i'm out.
no quotes, b/c the brain is fried.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a blast at the river, can't wait to go back!! AG

11:28 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Wow..someone sounds like they are in a world of hurt. I'm sorry! I recall my last river trip involved taking a nap in the Gruene hall parking lot in the bed of my truck because I could no longer function. And it was misserably hot. So yeah I feel the pain! Hang in there! Can't wait to go..only two weeks to go...Oh and where did you guys go see music? I'm familiar with the River Road and Gruene...but where else?

3:37 PM  

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