Tuesday, July 26, 2005

"tomorrow we make lots of money...

...today we don't worry."

mornin' kids.
sure glad i didn't come to work yesterday. made it that much harder to come in today. ugh.

i saw the most unbelievable sight this morning. one i've never seen before.
a chinese woman in a long bed, extended cab GMC truck. and she didn't drive like an asshole. i couldn't believe my eyes. today is going to be an interesting day...

got my hair cut yesterday. fuckin' guy made me look like a mullet-head. i'm not kidding. he had to make my layers on top super-short because my hair was so damaged. so don't expect to see pictures from this day forward. until it grows, of course.

speaking of pictures...here are some from this weekend's adventures. it was pretty uneventful, but we had a good time.

friday night...misty & i were sitting on the porch (in the middle of the woods and dark as shit) smoking when some creature wandered toward the porch. i booked ass into the cabin as she was pulling my shirt trying to get in before me. we were screaming like little girls. so mom & zach are like what the hell is going on? well my mother isn't scared of shit (except for airplanes & tornadoes) so she goes out there. lying on the porch is a red hound dog with cuts all over him. well you know what that means...courtney is SAD. so we both start tearing up...it was a mess. anyway, we gave him water, then later on gave him food. misty named him big red and he had a girlfriend who came around every now & then. mom named her nibbles because she bit so much. for some reason i didn't get any pictures of them.
saturday we went to the lake, it was like bath water, so we went to the river instead. it was freezing so mom, zach & i are the only ones who got in. dad, keith & misty sat under a tree and drank beer. after we had all the fun we could handle, we went back to the cabin, cooked steaks and drank a little...

shit i gotta go...i'll post pictures later.



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