Wednesday, July 13, 2005

have you ever...

...accidentally spilled tea tree oil in your eye?

...felt those butterflies in your tummy when you see a certain person?

...looked so cute you couldn't stand it?

...had a bikini wax?

...heard a certain song that makes your whole demeanor change?

...not taken a bath in 4 days?

...eaten sweet potato chips?

...let one person affect you so much that you feel like you're losing your mind?

...given someone - a friend or otherwise - a second chance although they don't deserve it?

...walked out on a job with no notice?

...let someone burn your skin with a laser? your car through a closed garage door?

why so many questions? its therapuetic (did i spell that right?) for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about the laser thing but pretty much the rest of them I have had done or done myself.


5:13 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

There's a few on there I'd like to try...

7:34 AM  

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