Thursday, July 28, 2005

wontcha scratch my itch

sweet annie rich...

howdy kids.
well, i'm pretty lame these days.
kinda down, lookin' for a new job, and trying to figure out how i can afford this.
i know...i don't need it...but that has never been a factor in my decision-making process. ever.

on another note, i think i have found my niche as far as a career path. i dreamed last night i was a truck driver. can you picture it?
what's even funnier is that i was driving to sean's graduation party (?) and then rachel & i were going to prom with the dedringers and i had a green dress and green shoes. prom? WTF??? i'm like...old. yea, i musta been high.
oh, and along the lines of truck drivers (no offense dad), i very much have the coif to qualify as one today. i think i mentioned that eric cut my hair in a mullet-esque fashion??? well just in case, let me re-iterate. i have a mullet.
so i called him and he's going to repair the damage ASAP. like at 4:30 today.

ok, i think that's it.

"some people are like slinkys: not good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just loved that quote!!!

3:08 PM  

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