Wednesday, August 17, 2005

i went to buy some camouflage trousers...

but i couldn't find any.
har d har har.

what's up people?
nothin' here. stuck on a conference call, 'bout to pee myself.
there is nothing worse than a bunch of cacklin' old roosters on speakerphone. aarrgghhh...

ordered my mcclure cd last week. can't remember when it ships, but i'm oh-so-excited. also ordered the austin allsup cd. listened to some songs online. yea.

shit, hang on they're talking to me now...

ok, what else? hell...i got nothin.
maybe after this weekend i'll have more excitement. anybody interested in driving my drunk ass to FW on friday? mcclure and the dedringers are playing. i'm dying to check that action out...let me know. i'll pay you $20. why am i always bribing people?

"shut the fuck up donny"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is bad when you have to buy your friends.

10:16 AM  
Blogger courtney said...

i know, it's sad.
it's also chicken shit to make a comment and not sign your name to it. haha

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want anyone to know I read this.

12:59 PM  
Blogger courtney said...

i don't blame you.

1:05 PM  
Blogger courtney said...


1:06 PM  

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