Tuesday, November 22, 2005

i need a nose hair trimmer

ok kids.
i just found out sunday that my dad is going to work in africa. that's right. i said AFRICA, a.k.a. HELL. that being said, i'm devoting today's posting (and possibly several more) to him, because he's my absolute favorite person ever!

dad...he's pretty damn funny.
i passed him today in the pumpkin stealth and almost didn't recognize him. why, you ask? because he washed the POS. correction, the auto splash hispaniards (koby's term) washed it. so i called him & here's how the conversation went.

c: dad, did i just pass you in the stealth?
d: yep, why?
c: i didn't realize it was you. it is clean!
d: yeah, i took it to the autosplash and had it detailed.
c: damn, it looks really good!!!
d: well i can take you for a ride in it if you'd like.

that conversation means nothing to you if you haven't seen the pumpkin stealth. it is a piece of work, let me tell you.

what i should also probably explain is that ol' dad bought a big ass chevy 3/4 ton 4WD truck like a year ago. well he is too cheap to buy gas for it, so he's driving a 1995 ford escort as an everyday car. he only drives the truck to pull his camper. nice, huh? what's even funnier is he does not give a damn what anyone thinks of him driving that car. not one single bit. mind you, this is the same guy who would fly into town and pick me up from school in a late 70's model BROWN grand torino wearing a "shop 'til you drop at wal-mart" t-shirt. and we mustn't forget the malaysian flip flops with blue-line tube socks and swim trunks on. yes, i'm serious. that's my dad. and only a few of the many things that make me adore him.

anyhoo, here's a picture of a similar car. this is probably not an accurate depiction, because the car is seriously banged up, dirty on the inside, smells like cigarettes, and has one of those automatic seat belts that hits you right in the jugular. but it will have to do.

alright, i think that's it.
love ya dad!

"i'll be making empty promises in my grave."
-the dedringers



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Dad TOTALLY ROCKS!! I love that man.

8:35 AM  

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