Wednesday, November 02, 2005


afternoon folks.

ok, all i can do today is scream! mainly because of this picture.

but also because it is sheer craziness and i have to work late. i have a million pages to read tonight and have no desire to do any work at all. all i wanna do is sit on my couch, watch lost and prepare myself for my trip this weekend. that's right. i am contemplating an overnight trip to OKC to see mcclure, the dedringers & the gougers. and this time i'll be going alone. just me and my favorite person. ME. yeeee-fuckin-haw.

what else? nothin' really.

you know what i don't like? those pop ups on outlook. the email ones. i like the reminder ones, otherwise i'd forget to go pee. but there is no need for every stinkin' email that i get to pop up at me!

alright, well i need to get some work done.


Blogger Andrew said...

It is so time to hunt! Nice cosutme there. All thats missing from that musical conglomeration is the man Mr.Linville. Ok gotta to the town of the cow

1:43 PM  
Blogger courtney said...

j/k sorta.

1:53 PM  

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