Friday, February 25, 2005

cultivatin music that be captivatin me

hmmm...i'm hungry.
what shakin' skeezers?

well, i had an eventful evening. after the week i've had, i decided to skip the education portion of the evening and do some alcohol research. it worked out pretty well. but first i drove myself to the galleria & made some purchases. yes, ladies. from the mother of all jewelry stores, tiffany & co. these purchases were not quite as extravagant as i had hoped, but hey...they are very cute, if i do say so myself!

anyway, onto the eventful part. i pulled into my driveway to find keith & my dad killing a 12 pack, and my neighbor, brian was having a party. brian works nights, so he had a "night shift party" starting around noon. you can imagine that by 7:00 everyone was well on their way to superstardom (or something of that sort). brian was drinking crown & sprite like it was water. swaying and spilling all over the floor, all over me, all over himself. it was a mess. i think he got confused over who his girlfriend was, because he was standing by me with his hand on my shoulder for awhile.

so brian goes to the restroom and comes out with a pac-man xbox game. "anybody wanna play pac-man"? nope, i'm out on that deal. so he TRIED to play pac-man. he was probably the drunkest person i've ever seen that wasn't puking. it was great stuff. he puts the radio on some rap station & is dancing behind keith like he's a woman. then over to the fireplace and says "that's a kick ass fire you got goin' keith" and chunked in one of those chemical-soaked firelogs. hahaha i lost my shit on that one.

i decided that it was best to stay out of brian's general vicinity and went to the other room. shortly after, keith comes in the house and says "hey y'all need to come out here brian is hurt". stupid ass brian got on one of his motorcycles, rode it down the driveway and fell off. we think he broke his arm or shoulder or something, but couldn't get him to really say anything coherent enough to figure it out. he just said "its broke, i know its broke". we asked him if we needed to take him to the hospital and he said no. so we left. very neighborly, huh?

anyway, i think that is it. oh, amber enlightened me to the term "skeezer". not sure what it is, but i think it is relates to someone you would see on springer or on the news right after a tornado hit. i love adding new words to my vocab. especially mean or funny-sounding ones.

ok, quote of the day:
"well, he's about 84% drunkenness"
-some stoned guy in colorado when i asked where my brother was.

OH...speaking of CO, a new trip is on the horizon. just got the word today...headin' up to wolf creek in 2 weeks. can i get a hell yea?
and i've almost got the husband talked into going to california this summer and driving through the desert to the joshua tree inn. more to come on that trip later.

alright, i'm out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK sweet heart. I came, I saw, I think I understand what it is that drives people to opening one of these things and then engage other wise sane people in the particulars of the Bloggers life.
Connectivity aside, I would prefer to speak to you in person.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did you buy.. You shopping fool... angie

3:08 PM  

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