Thursday, March 03, 2005

he's alive!

mornin crackbabies.

well...lots of good news today!! first off, its thursday, and NO SCHOOL for me!! yay! i got moved to monday night classes, but not starting until the 28th. i'm pumped. so, you know what that means ladies...thursday night happy hours are in session. let's get this party started!

oh...i got an email from angie about my story on napolean die-namite yesterday. turns out he is not dead, just a i look forward to many more silly movies fom him in the future. tina come get some ham!

and finally, my job gets better everyday. i'll elaborate more later...

went to hooter's last night with the man. i used to love that place (the food) but ugh now it makes me sick. the beer was good though. beer is always good.

still working on convincing k to let me plan a trip to cali. i am dying to go to the desert. i've already found where i want to stay. i did want to stay at the joshua tree inn, but it kinda freaks me out, so i found a privately owned home out in the middle of the desert - on the outskirts of joshua tree national park. you can check it out here:
only thing that is holding me back is the fact that there are spiders, snakes & scorpions in the desert. i'm gonna have to get real nice and drunk everynight to be able to sleep. who wants to go with me??

ok, i'm out.

"i don't know why they call it hamburger helper. does just fine by itself."
-i think eddie in christmas vacation said this


7 days until CO!!


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