Wednesday, March 30, 2005

rollin like a freight train

afternoon, folks. its a hot mother outside today!
i feel like going home & laying out by the pool. in fact, i think i will. what sucks is i don't get my bikini wax until friday, so i would suggest that nobody drop in to join me. unless you are brave or blind.

you people HAVE to check out the site above. it is funny as hell. i am now officially an inadequate blogger. oh well. some of us just suck. oh, and make sure you read the one titled "the 50 worst times to get wood". anxiety problem has not subsided, the doctor hasn't called me, so i think i'm just gonna throw in the towel. i'm kidding. i am feeling better, still really anxious, but the headaches aren't as bad.

on that note, in order to ease my worried mind, i decided to make some purchases at lunch. i went to nordstrom (to pay on my bill), but decided to rack up some more debt by looking at the sunglasses. some of you know my luck with sunglasses and are probably asking "why the hell would she buy sunglasses at nordstrom? they'll end up getting run over by a golf cart, lost at the bottom of the guadalupe, or chewed up by the dogs." well...shutup. i needed some new glasses!
and i bought not one pair, but TWO. they were very reasonably priced, and i am really going to focus on not losing or breaking them. but if i do, i have a backup pair, right?

alright, well i better get some work done. i have to figure out how to update a postage meter. that should take me the rest of the afternoon, taking into account how technologically saavy i am. did i spell technologically right? took me half an hour to re-program a keypad on a server room door last week. god save the queen.

"i always get on sucky teams."
-kim after a pictionary game at GSGW


22 days until my first spring campout!


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