Tuesday, May 10, 2005

hells bells

mornin kids.
well, i thought i was going to post some pictures, but now it appears that my camera went dead on me. i suck. speaking of that, the mavs really bought the farm last night, didn't they? jesus, what was wrong with my boy dirk? i think its because i didn't wear my "i love dirk" panties. i better don those come wednesday.

took the dreaded accounting final last night. everybody pray for me, because if i don't pass it, i'm dropping out of school. no kidding.
on the bright side, if i DO pass the class (which i plan on), i'm throwing one hell of a party for myself. and i'm not kidding about that either. i may be on crutches, but i can sit at the bar, have you people buy me drinks & carry me to the bathroom when necessary.

so the mom called last night & wants me to go to austin with her the weekend of june 3rd. there is even a new pair of nike shox involved. hell of a deal! now...here is my plan. mom is going down for some sort of meeting, and she said i will have all day saturday (or sunday, i can't remember) to shop, drink, etc. by myself. now this is quite alright with me, because most of you know i like myself, which makes being alone pretty exiciting - unless its at night & i hear something outside my window.

ANYWAY, don't start yelling at me, but i want to get a new tattoo on the top of my foot. yes, another one. it is a very small one that most people won't even see unless i'm wearin flip flops. so i figure while mom is in her big executive meeting (j/k) i can slip on down to 6th street & get some new ink. i know what all of you people are thinking. "you're getting a tattoo removed, but you want ANOTHER one???" well, the reason i'm getting one removed is because its UGLY. and its on my belly and we all know what will happen to that if i ever birth a child.
but i must mention to keep your traps shut around the spousal unit & or he'll be callin me trailer trash.

this little trip to austin also makes me out of town for 3 weekends in a row. river, austin, girls' river trip, then back home for a wedding. man...i hope mom is paying for this austin trip.

alright, well, i better get busy. i have my new testament final tonight. don't even say it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better pass that final.. since you ditched me like yesterday's trash...ahahahaaa

3:45 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

New Testement final? Where are you going to school? Hells bells huh...is that a chapter summary? I'm just messing with you..Love the blog

9:19 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Yes a real possum...and no I live in the city..with a countryfied heart..Ah yes the email is ddtime@hotmail.com or areid@zenaland.com either or!

2:42 PM  

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