Friday, May 06, 2005

well well

afternoon, folks.
friday afternoon to be exact...nothin's finer than a swig of shiner.

gonna be another lame weekend for me on the party front. but i do have amber's shower tomorrow, so at least i'll get to socialize, rather than laying on my couch takin drugs. only problem is, the crutches really cramp my style and i'm not gonna look cute, no matter what i wear. why? because i have these big, ugly metal sticks that i have to carry around all the damn time. SO UN-cool.

i almost forgot, my nieces, or neices, or nieces (how the hell do you spell that word? i went blank) may come visit me tonight (the canines). i am so excited - they make me smile. eve has become quite the hyper (sp?) girl lately!
ok, let me take a moment to apologize because it appears that i forgot how to fucking spell overnight. i'm not sure what has caused this malfunction, but anyway, please forgive me.

alright, well i'm out. headed home to attempt to make ladybug cookies for this shower, pray for me, b/c i'm no betty crocker.



Blogger Andrew said...

Yes its me! Small world..I recall the McClure show and it was driving me crazy because I knew I had seen you before..Then when it all came together (pea brain) I felt like an idiot! Great to see you and it appears you are doing great! Keep in touch. Oh and don't be afraid to throw some musical comments my way!

8:38 AM  

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