Thursday, June 30, 2005

mother f-in soundcheck

mornin kids.
how's it goin? good here. it's thursday. which is trash day at my house.
but it's also the day before the friday of a long weekend. and i do mean long, kids.

alright, so the pimpster louie sent me an email with "alcohoroscopes". this thing is quite entertaining. although i'm not sure mine would be entirely accurate. you read it & tell me (or not). and if you want me to forward this little piece of info, let me know.

In vito veritas - and for Sagittarius, in booze blurtiness:
when buttered, they'll spill all your secrets, and many of their own. tactlessness aside, sagittarius is just plain fun to drink with. this is a sign of serious partying (what else would you expect from the sign of Sinatra, Keith Richards, the Bush twins and Anna Nicole Smith?). they're the people who chat up everyone in the room, then persuade the entire crowd to travel somewhere else - like a nightclub, or a playground, or Cancun. good-natured hijinks are sure to ensue (including a high possibility of loopy groping; spontaneous sag is a brilliant booty call).


yea, so the weekend is not looking TOO exciting. 2 parties to go to. one of them is my parents' party, which should be pretty lame (especially if mom tries to control the flow of alcohol). but i must make an appearance, don't cha know? the other is also a more family-oriented party at the CEC farm. but it will be fun because of the presence of fireworks and booze. yes, some families do include booze in their gatherings, MOM.

went to visit amber, koby & ella last night. that girl is a doll!!!
i can't wait until she can talk and learn and i can teach her all the valuable lessons that i've learned in my 27 years.
like which types of liquor/beer/wine should not be mixed.
and how you should never smoke cigarettes because you'll have a voice akin to jesse ventura (like myself).
or what not to attempt to smoke dope out of (golf club, beer can, banana peel).
or how many bombers you can mix with alcohol.
or how to heed the warnings re: the ugly guy you're flirting with at the frat party.
or the dangers of a nordstrom visa.
or how to fight the almost uncontrollable urge to ram a minivan in the ass on the tollway.
oh kid, i could go on and on. you'll be glad to have an aunt like me. the things i can teach you. i can teach you what NOT to become. and who NOT to look up to as a role model.

alright, i'm done with the senseless rambles.
hope everyone has a fun & safe weekend. i know i won't.

peace out my nizzies


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the blogs C!! Love the randomness as well....that is the C I know!! Keep'em comin home-er Simpson...haha! Okay i'm a whales penis I know but it's my fun day!!


1:52 PM  

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