Friday, July 01, 2005

don't fake the funk

well kids. it is not exactly the friday i had planned.
but we won't go into detail on that.

it is a nice long weekend for those of us unfortunate enough to have jobs, so we must be thankful for that. i plan on floating in the pool all day tomorrow with a cold beverage - ok, many cold beverages. if anyone would like to join me, bring it baby!!!

laura taught me how to post pictures in my text instead of the pain-in-the-ass hello thing. i can't believe i never figured it out before. wait. yes i can. i'm not the most tech-saavy girl in town.
so let's try this out. here is a darling pic of my dog, zoe and my neice-dog, dorry.

ok, so i gotta run. i'm really irritated, and i REALLY don't like people today, so i'll stop there.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are some cute dogs!! Laying in the pool with cold beverages sounds like the sheeyat...shazaaam(dave chapelle crackhead voice) I hope you get to feeling better!!


11:38 AM  

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