Thursday, August 25, 2005

there's an alligator

in my pool.

mornin folks.
i haven't blogged in awhile because i'm training a new-hire. or maybe i should say "my replacement", although that would be a lie because nobody can replace me.

what would you say if i told you my refrigerator was not working?
here's a conversation i had with the sears repair hotline this morning. this week has really brought to light how many idiots there are in this world.
me: hi, yea i need to schedule an appointment for someone to come out and work on my refrigerator/freezer.
sears: ok mam, what seems to be the problem?
me: my freezer and refrigerator are not working.
sears: sooo, what's not working?
me: my freezer and refrigerator.
sears: is it plugged in?
me: ummm...YES, i don't generally unplug my fridge.
sears: are the lights on, there is no power outage, breaker tripped, etc.?
me(getting very irritated): the lights are on, my power is on, there is no breaker tripped.
sears: ok, so it is just not cooling?
me: listen dude, or mam (can't tell the difference...if it was a mam she smoked marlboros like it was a part-time job) i am currently carrying a half gallon of melted prailines & cream to the trash, my broccoli & cheese is SOFT and my steaks, ground beef and chicken are all thawed out. does that answer your question? THE FREEZER IS NOT WORKING.
sears: ok, so the freezer is not working. looks like i can get someone out there TOMORROW between 8 and 12. will this work?
me: yes, and have them bring a check for like $300 because i'll need to buy groceries by then.

jesus, mary, and joseph can you believe that???
ok, maybe my irritation stems from the fact that keith woke me up and said "i'm leaving, call sears because our freezer is broken. the meat is all thawed out and shit." i'm like "umm..ok, did you move it to the other freezer?" his response "no, i don't have time. i have to go. bye."
there are a few other factors to consider as well:
-i am NOT a morning person and this was at 6:45 a.m.
-i was supposed to be at work EARLY today.
-i have another 27 fever blisters forming.
-i've been training a retard for 3 days.
-this fridge is less than 1 year old.
-i just spent $260 on groceries that are almost all ruined.

goodnight nurse.
i'm out.


Blogger Andrew said...

Ok I grew up in a family that would not buy from Sears for reasons just like this. Seriously no dumb ass I haven't checked the breaker? They think you are an idiot..then proceed to treat you like one. I think Sears is owned by or own's part of Service Master. That is the company that owns Terminix...don't even get me started on them..biggest joke around!!

1:36 PM  

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