Friday, October 07, 2005

booger eater

mornin' kids.
this weekend is gonna rule. watching texas whip OU's ass will be the highlight of my week. hell, it will be the highlight of my year. but onto bigger business.

ok, if you drive a minivan and choose to pick your boogers while driving down the tollway, then speed up or slow down. either way, get the fuck out of MY way.
GEEEEEEEZZZZZZ...can people be anymore annoying???

alright...well, i don't have much else to talk about except that i look awful cute in my UT getup today. rawr.

for your viewing pleasure, a picture of keith & i that i just got from laura. this girl at work told me that he looks like a young robert redford. oh, and she also mentioned that we look like brother and sister. nice.



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