Wednesday, October 05, 2005


mornin' folks.

well...i am officially old. i wake up at 4:00 every morning, even after getting up to pee 2 times a night. it is ridiculous.
instead of laying in bed thinking about everything i need to accomplish, i got up and got ready for work. only to be frightened by zach knocking on my back door at 6 a.m. WTF? turns out he couldn't sleep either and he has an interview today. he needed to borrow a belt from keith. well, keith happenned to be ASLEEP, like most normal folks, but not for long. the dogs went nutzo, running around on the wood floor and barking like maniacs. so needless to say, i am NOT the most popular person around my house today.

have i mentioned before that i work in the ghetto?
if not, let me reiterate: i work in the GHETTO.
uh uh, this country girl is not used to this atmosphere. i mean where i live, we have a super target, super wal-mart, and more retail stores than you can shake a stick at. well...this morning (at 6:45, no less) i was way early to work, so i thought i'd stop by what i thought was a super target. a girl can always find something to buy. well, in this neck of the woods, i don't think ANYTHING stays open past dark or before daylight. and i can understand why. so i pull into the garage and there are like 3 cars. i grab my purse, lunch and starbucks and book ass to get to the door. this white girl was freaking OUT!!! running in these damn 3 inch heels was a chore, especially after a knee surgery gone wrong not too long ago. anyway, i made it in safely, but now i need an icepack and some pills.

i'm not sure where i'm going with all this. i'm so tired that i'm retarded.
mcclure at love & war on sunday. be there or be a loser like russell.

oh, and to add to the randomness, the attached pic is the aftermath of my 25 year old brother cutting in front of a bunch of kids in a drunken stupor to do a cannonball. i must have been drunk too, because my trigger finger was not so quick.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jackass, me and Traci were going to co but from your smartass comment we will pass.


11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is suppose to be "go" not co

11:07 AM  
Blogger courtney said...

who's the jackass now?

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you still are

8:11 PM  

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