Wednesday, December 07, 2005


alright folks.
how long does it take for the f-in' snow/sleet to get to 13601 preston road?????
jeeeezus! you know upper management makes these type of decisions based on what they see outside their window. well here, it is a cold, but dry day in the ghetto. shit!

anyhoo, since i'm stuck in this meat locker, maybe i'll ramble for a bit. i downloaded a shitload of tunes last night onto my ipod, but today they are not there. i swear, itunes, ipods, hell anything related to apple - is the DEVIL. arrrghhhh!!!!!

what else? oh, dr. evil redeemed himself today. he says that i can ski on my trip, as long as i stay off the blacks. now THAT i can do. i also am not allowed to drink and ski, since that caused my injury in the first place. that may be a problem.

so here are a couple pics from saturday. in case you don't do the myspace.
pay special attention to the bass boat seats in the back...

ummm...not sure about this one...

just heard from keith. they are calling it quits for the day. homeboy better go pick me up some firewood and starter logs or it will be on.
alright, well i have a 2:30 and a 4:30, so i better run.

"I don't like Chinese people, therefore I don't like Chinese FOOD."
-author's name witheld


19 days 'til my sweet ass vacation


Blogger courtney said...

i stayed home yesterday and made chili, myself. had a fire, drank a lot. it was SWEEEEET.

10:33 AM  

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