Friday, February 25, 2005

cultivatin music that be captivatin me

hmmm...i'm hungry.
what shakin' skeezers?

well, i had an eventful evening. after the week i've had, i decided to skip the education portion of the evening and do some alcohol research. it worked out pretty well. but first i drove myself to the galleria & made some purchases. yes, ladies. from the mother of all jewelry stores, tiffany & co. these purchases were not quite as extravagant as i had hoped, but hey...they are very cute, if i do say so myself!

anyway, onto the eventful part. i pulled into my driveway to find keith & my dad killing a 12 pack, and my neighbor, brian was having a party. brian works nights, so he had a "night shift party" starting around noon. you can imagine that by 7:00 everyone was well on their way to superstardom (or something of that sort). brian was drinking crown & sprite like it was water. swaying and spilling all over the floor, all over me, all over himself. it was a mess. i think he got confused over who his girlfriend was, because he was standing by me with his hand on my shoulder for awhile.

so brian goes to the restroom and comes out with a pac-man xbox game. "anybody wanna play pac-man"? nope, i'm out on that deal. so he TRIED to play pac-man. he was probably the drunkest person i've ever seen that wasn't puking. it was great stuff. he puts the radio on some rap station & is dancing behind keith like he's a woman. then over to the fireplace and says "that's a kick ass fire you got goin' keith" and chunked in one of those chemical-soaked firelogs. hahaha i lost my shit on that one.

i decided that it was best to stay out of brian's general vicinity and went to the other room. shortly after, keith comes in the house and says "hey y'all need to come out here brian is hurt". stupid ass brian got on one of his motorcycles, rode it down the driveway and fell off. we think he broke his arm or shoulder or something, but couldn't get him to really say anything coherent enough to figure it out. he just said "its broke, i know its broke". we asked him if we needed to take him to the hospital and he said no. so we left. very neighborly, huh?

anyway, i think that is it. oh, amber enlightened me to the term "skeezer". not sure what it is, but i think it is relates to someone you would see on springer or on the news right after a tornado hit. i love adding new words to my vocab. especially mean or funny-sounding ones.

ok, quote of the day:
"well, he's about 84% drunkenness"
-some stoned guy in colorado when i asked where my brother was.

OH...speaking of CO, a new trip is on the horizon. just got the word today...headin' up to wolf creek in 2 weeks. can i get a hell yea?
and i've almost got the husband talked into going to california this summer and driving through the desert to the joshua tree inn. more to come on that trip later.

alright, i'm out.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

sittin under a tree drinkin' corona

ch ch check 1-2
ok here we go

angie & i were talking yesterday or the day before and she brought to my attention that construction workers (she pointed out hispanic ones, but i'm purty damn sure that all workers qualify) always sit under a tree to eat their lunch. i had noticed that before, but never paid attention to detail. have you noticed that it doesn't matter if the tree provides any shade whatsoever, they will still sit under it. like it could be a twig, and they will sit under it. or beside it, rather. funny how we notice things like this. and catering trucks.

this subject reminded me of a happier day in my past when i went to the state fair of texas. yep. saw big tex. raised my beer to him. i went to see ragweed acoustic with my mom & dad (grandpa didn't want to go, it was sunday afternoon). we saw ragweed, very brief i might add, they were tired, it was only noon. oh and my friend zach & i had a beer, then mom & dad went to the dog show. i had bigger plans in mind, however.

being the music junkie i am, i made a beeline to the mainstage. rumor had it that EDDIE MONEY was playing. well, besides the fact that he SUCKS, he is also stuck in the 80s. i wasn't all "oooh, eddie money, gotta see him, he rocks". it was more like "dude...i gotta see this shit". so i did. when i said he was stuck in the 80s, i was not kidding. the dude sang a few songs (sucky ones) and then as proud as ever put up the rock & roll sign and exclaimed "i love the 80s MAAAAN!!!" what is funnier is that there were all these people that graduated in the late 80s and they were all like, in a stoned sounding voice, "hell yea, rock on dude, eddie money rules". i actually embarassed myself (big surprise?) because i busted out laughing so loud that people were looking at me. now i know you're asking "WHAT does this have to do with workers sitting under a tree?" well, not much. except that it was a beautiful summer day & i sat under a big tree with my corona for hours and watched all of this unfold. crazy shit i tell you.

ok, sorry for all the rambling. i am having a terrible week and wanted to take a trip back to a really happy day.

so, what else? well...the anniversary is upon us. saturday the 26th, to be exact. 6 years. good night nurse. we're going to jasper's for some booze & dinner and then i'm sure back to the house to crash by 10. you know keith, he parties like a rock star. his wife just lusts after them.

well that is all. its almost friday kids, put on your party hats.

"royal, whatcha want?!"
-lady that worked at the royal drive in


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

girl scouts gone wild 2005

ok punks. here we go. sorry it took so long, but i have a life you know.
(not really)

so...where to begin? first off, i have to say that we had a GREAT time. i had forgotten how good it is to get away from the penises for a few days. we decided that this will become a quarterly thing. i could go for monthly, but i don't want to push it.

i left the office early, went home & waited on sherry. she was about 45 minutes late (my friends & i are a lot alike). i almost resorted to drinking, but instead i drank water. rolled up in the hummer to get jen and the FOOD around 4:15. i had a smoke & a beer while waiting on them to load the car. just kidding. we ALL had a smoke & a beer before loading the car. as most of you know, once i start, i can't stop. so jen & i continued drinking while sherry (aka earnhardt jr) chauffeured (sp?)us to the cabin. much to our dismay, it started raining as we turned down the dirt road. when we got to the gate, it was locked. not with a combo lock, but a "lock lock". before i could convince sherry to go to wally world for some bolt cutters, jen made a few calls & some nice men came out & opened the gate for us. i was afraid that they would follow us in & it might turn out like some awful late 80s horror movie i dare not think about.
anyway, we got in and headed up the mountain (more like a big hill) and it was a good thing sherry brought the hummer. the terrain was pretty rocky, not to mention muddy. the only critters we had seen so far were bunnies and a big ass possum. until we got inside. ladybugs EVERYWHERE. so we unloaded the stuff, swept & vaccumed the ladybugs up, and continued drinking. did i mention that we were responsible for getting dinner ready for the other 6 girls that were leaving dallas around 7? yea, well, lets just say we ate dinner around midnight. y'all know me, if i'm drinkin', i'm not eatin'. that is what everyone else should learn to do :) just kidding.
so we stayed up until 3am doing goofy girl stuff (gossipping, drinking, listening to music, etc).

woke up at 9:45 (i was one of the last to get up). OH...i forgot to mention that i got shafted. they made me sleep in the living room on the fold out couch. how did that happen? oh well, i drank enough to sleep through the springs stabbing in my back. anyway, on with the story. jen made us breakfast taquitos - we ate like queens all weekend by the way. amanda started off the day with mimosas with her breakfast. i followed shortly after my food digested with miller lite. i brought 2 cases and 5 packs of smokes (which i took a LOT of flack for). i didn't want to run out! so by noon, it was amanda, sherry & courtney drinking the day away. it was nasty outside, so we had nothing better to do. sherry, amanda, heather, kim & i decided to take advantage of the dead animals all over the cabin & took some entertaining pics. i'll post some of those too. then we played pictionary, celebrity taboo, and then later that night something else, but i was pretty drunk so i don't remember what it was. we had to write a bunch of stuff down & our partner did too and then we got points or something. anyway, i DO remember our dinner! the girls cooked steaks, grilled veggies, roasted garlic, twice baked potato casserole, carrot souffle and salad. YUM. after dinner, nobody really wanted to drink, so we all sat around the fire & talked. i think some of the girls burned some beer boxes & paper plates once it went out & tried to roast marshmallows on that. it didn't look like a good idea to me. i think heather said her marshmallow turned grey as a result of the burning coors light box. i think she ate it anyways.

woke up early. can't remember what time. couldn't get in touch with keith (because he got drunk and dropped his cell phone in the lake while fishing saturday) so i was worried. jen made us breakfast (again). got all showered, packed up, cleaned the house, then took some pics (as you see below) on the deck. wouldn't you know the day we are leaving it gets warm & sunny? oh well. made the trek home. jen & i decided that we needed to drink again on sunday, so we met the guys out at clay & jen's house for beer & dinner. it was a beautiful day. i even borrowed shorts from her - which was scary because i'm whiter than a mofo. eeww...time to utilize that planet tan membership i've been paying for the last 2 years.

to top it off, monday was a holiday, so i hung out in the sun all afternoon again. thought i had to go to class monday night, but found out that i had the dates mixed up. i actually don't start to double up until 3/28. perfect. i went all day in the sun without a cold one and to think i could have been all liquored up before 3:00???

alrighty, well now that i've given myself carpal tunnel, i'll stop for now.

out like keith in his happy chair

the girl scouts after two long nights... Posted by Hello

sorry, i was a little drunk Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

so much drama in the lbc

afternoon kids.
i'm back.

sorry for the delay in posting such exciting news, but i was off work yesterday, so i chose to use the day wisely. that's right. rather than sit by the pool & drink beer (as i would normally do) i worked in my backyard (in my bikini of course). margie & tim came over to work on the pool and i hung out with them for awhile, then went to trimming trees. they don't look so hot, but what do you expect? i'm 5'4" on a good day and a ladder only helps so much. my boss called me eddie scissorhands this morning. LOL!! i will take a picture of the results if i remember.

so i know you are all just dying to hear about girl scouts gone wild! well...i have to compose just the perfect recap, so bear with me. i will work on it & hopefully have it posted by midnight tonight :)

in the meantime, here are a couple pictures to keep you occupied. along with the quote of the day. actually it is a song lyric that made me laugh.

"he's a little slow between the ears. he's always been that way."


Friday, February 18, 2005

how 'bout a hummer?

this just in: sherry got the hummer today, so the girls are doin' it big pimpin' style...oh yea...holla at ya girl shorties!

sorry, i went ghetto for just a minute.

soccer moms blow

happy friday to ya kids.

ok, first i must apologize for saying you people listen to sucky music. that wasn't very nice. but some of you really should expand your horizons.

anyway, the main reason i am apologizing is because someone prayed for me last night. i know this, because i survived financial hell. i'm going to have to ask for MANY more prayers, because i was informed 5 minutes before class that i had to double up and take accounting along with finance in order to still graduate on time. wtf??
stab hot knives in my eyeballs. or make me walk on broken beer bottles. or dig in your belly button and try to make me smell it. any of those would be less stressful than the 2 worst classes in the history of college classes.

however, i'm over that for a couple days. why you ask? because departure time for GSGW '05 is approximately 2:30 p.m. i am hoping jen will let me drink in the car on the way. nothing better than road-trippin' in a suburban and gettin a head start on the other girls' buzz...that should make my bedtime about 9:00 p.m., right about the time the 2nd wave of girls gets there. nice.

alrighty then. i think that's it for today.

"on the inside there's a rich girl waitin' to come out"

later homies

Thursday, February 17, 2005

strung out & wrung out

alright kids. this one is gonna suck because i have nothing in my head except the fear of finance tonight. it makes no f-ing sense. i have no desire to delve into the field of finance. unless you're talking about a checkbook (preferably of a rich man...not my checkbook). i'm sure i'll smoke at least a pack before class tonight. ugh i hate school. it totally stresses me out.

soooo, i'm listening to the dedringers this morning - its been awhile. probably since the horrific camping trip to hillbilly hell (stephenville). most of you don't know who the dedringers are (mainly because you listen to sucky music), but they are damn good little singers/songwriters. i shouldn't have used the word little. they are young men. i'm feeling super-old lately.

speaking of feeling super-old. so i got invited to one of those "spa parties" last weekend. i knew what would happen. i believed the whole spiel (?) of shit about how this stuffs gonna make me look like i'm 18 again, so i ended up spending like $250 on skin care products. you wanna know what? i had a reaction to it, and i look like a fuckin leper. i mean it. my face feels like a cat's tongue! i am going to continue my binge drinking, smoking and washing my face with $5 products from wal-mart. i really didn't look THAT bad until the "spa party". unbelievable!

ok...i may get the quote wrong because i was really tired, but its from the movie "grand theft parsons" and it cracked me up (you had to see it).

"right, trust you. i'm just overflowing with trust in you right now"
-stoned, long-hair guy

alright, pray for me tonight, kids.

only 1 day until girl scouts gone wild '05!!!!
hey, maybe i'll post to the blog there...if my internet will work out in BFE.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Chaos is Great

Afternoon, kids.

Its Wednesday. And that wouldn't be so bad, IF I didn't have Finance tomorrow. Finance blows. It makes me suicidal. Not really, but it is pretty painful.

The only thing keeping me going is the trip this weekend. GSGW '05 is gonna be a trip to remember. That is if I can remember anything. I just pray that I don't feel as terrible as I did after the last camping trip. I'm taking my liver-rite pills, advil, and all kinds of food to soak up the alcohol. The really good thing is that several of the girls who are going are EXCELLENT cooks (unlike myself). That should cure any hangovers that may occur.

What else? OH, our dear friend Russell didn't quite like my review of Friday Night Lights - as most men probably didn't. Well, quite frankly, I don't give a damn. He thought he would be smart and tell me that it was a true story (like I didn't know, I am from TEXAS you know) and that is why it ended as it did. Well, true story or not, I think they should have skipped to another season when they actually WON the final game. Isn't that the point of sports? In every sport I've ever played, my goal was winning. I damn sure wouldn't make a movie about my high school basketball team! But thanks for your concern, Russell. I appreciate your input. Much love to ya.

Alrighty then. I better get busy.

"Who's gonna submit a report on you, you jerk-off?"
~Michael Keaton in "The Dream Team"

Holla at ya girl

Only 2 more days until Girl Scouts Gone Wild '05!!!