Monday, May 23, 2005

sweatin' bullets

mornin' folks.
well...i guess it's afternoon now. whatever.

so we are all in agreement that mondays blow. well today is especially irritating.
i've usually developed a good sweat by the time i walk in the lobby door, one that would normally happen to someone after 5-10 minutes of running (due to the crutch thing of course). today was no different, except for the a/c in my suite was not WORKING. yes, no air was blowing through the vents. so instead of getting relief when i walked in the door, it was more like entering the gates of hell. 60+ employees had already sent me notes that they are sweating their arses off, etc. long story short, it is fixed now, but because of the beauty of texas spring/summer, it will take all day to cool this place down. lucky for me i'm in the part of the building that cooled off first!

WARNING: here i go with one of my vehicle rants again. if there is a chance you may be offended, just skip this section.
if i see ONE more yellow hummer, i'm gonna chew my own arm off. ok, yea, they were cool like two years ago, when you were the first one to have one. now that there are like 750,000 in the plano area, fuckin' sell that school-bus lookin' monster!!! ugh, people need to learn to be leaders, not followers. ok, i'm done.

what else? well...i have a couple short weeks coming up, as most of you probably do. in hopes of preparation, organization, and some pre-trip partying, i plan on ditching class tonight. that's right. i know...i really shouldn't, and i'll regret it tomorrow, but i'm just not feelin' it today.
plus, i have a million errands to run to get this camping show on the road. wait, why am i explaining this shit? nevermind. i'm gonna go shopping and then go over to dad's & watch LOST (i never watched this weekend because i was too busy partying). there's the real truth.
furthermore, we are off next monday (due to the holiday), so i get a well-deserved 2 week break from academics. yeeeeehaw.

alright, well i better run (not really) & grab some lunch & hit the tanning bed. don't want to be flabby AND white for this weekend's trip.

"i am so hungry i could eat a small child"

17 days of crutching to go...


Blogger Dogman said...

Your "vehicle rants" crack me up... the good part is, I couldn't agree more! I was pullin up to the WalMart the other day, and a dude pulled in next to me in the parking lot with his big red H2... My first thought was "Could anything be more pretentious?".. My second thought was "If he's got nothing better to piss his money off on, then he should just give it to me." I just don't really understand the infatuation with these Hummers! I've driven one, many a time, (back in my old army days)and they really are a kick ass, mountain climbin, ditch crossin, water swimmin, rock crawlin machine... BUT THERE IS NONE OF THOSE THINGS IN YOUR DRIVEWAY, NOR ON THE WAY TO WALMART!. Who spends a billion dollars on something they wanna go diggin in? Not those yuppie bastards, that's for sure. So anyway, the dude steps out of his H2, and he looks like a girl with a fake mustache. I'm tellin you, he couldn't have looked more like a sissy prep if he tried. I know he spent his entire highschool carreer getting wedgies and crawling back out of the locker that people shoved him in once a day. I'm thinking there is some kind of compensation for his life with this purchase. Then again, maybe he pulled in next to my car, looked at me, thought to himself.. "I got more money than you." and went on in to WalMart without another thought.

10:08 AM  

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