Tuesday, July 05, 2005


howdy folks.
tuesday, july 5th could go down in history as a pivotal day in the life of "cortnay".
but let's hold off the details until tomorrow. i like to keep you people hangin.

i absolutely love long weekends. except i need a week's vacation to recover.
especially from this weekend's debauchery. my liver hates me right now. and my lungs.

speaking of bad liver. "sharry" told me yesterday that i should hold off on having a kid because my cirrhosis (sp?) and lung cancer would probably not be conducive to a healthy baby environment. i say bullshit. back in the 70's (when we were born), our parents were drinkin & smokin (and i don't mean just marlboros) like bandits. i think i came out alright. don't you? wait. don't answer that.

so where to begin?
friday night: can't remember (must have been fun).
saturday night: helped the parents build a gazebo in their backyard. i escaped injury-free, but mom was not so lucky.
sunday night: mom's shin-dig and the boss man's shin-dig. made an appearance at both, then came home to sit by my own pool and finish the night off with a bang. for those of you who know my eating habits when i'm drinking (or lack of), you would be proud. i not only ate ONE meal on sunday, but 2!!
monday night: chad & heather's blowout at the cec farm. it was great fun. they had a bounce house and a kiddie pool and lots of food. well, as you probably expected, courtney ended up in the kiddie pool. i would have got in the bounce house, but it i couldn't fit through the tiny hole they called a door. plus i had on a skirt and ol' one-eye was already makin comments when the wind blew just the right way. something like "i can see your stuff". WHATEVEr. i had on boy shorts underneath, so he didn't see much more than the upper part of my thigh.
after the sun went down we did the fireworks. it was, well...like most fireworks shows. loud.

alright, well back to work. i'm going home for lunch to learn how to make peach cobbler.

"If there has one thing in my life that's worth a 20 min download on a fucking dead ass, slow movin, sap runs faster than a spilt beer, huh, what the hell did I just type, 56k modem, that was it.
I am absolutely floored.
That is a God Damn prize weiner."



Blogger Andrew said...

Ok so I sit here very early checking blogs...I've barely even sipped my coffee and I pull this site up only to discover a naked man with a mixing bowl? I didn't look real close. Not quite what I expected to see first thing Wed. morning. Ok so onto the remainder....sounds like you had fun. Gazebo builder huh..thats good! My favorite 4th of July party was in Austin a few years back the river was flooded so we went out and bought slip and slides...kiddie pools and blow up dolphins and basically had a front yard water toy party..The kiddie pool was definitley the highlight with the slip and slide crashing into it-like a jump. Ok gotta go!

7:57 AM  

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