Friday, December 30, 2005

we're in colorado bitches

and it rules.
snowing like a mofo and only three's company here to enjoy it.

went snowmobiling today.
now we're drinking.
the dred-locked, summer-teeth-like guide macked on cassi. our new names are janet & crissy. nice.

alright. well, y'all have a good night.

"hey kids, i know how to drive too."
-the queen of quotes...cassi


Friday, December 23, 2005

i had no idea

that my nose was so large.
i have gone 28 years not realizing that i have a big ass nose. unbelievable.

so today is friday, i'm leaving early, and i have 10 days off work. fuck yeah.
i have to finish up my shopping today, though. i'm not too thrilled about that. does anyone besides me work near the galleria? this shit is insane. there are state troopers directing traffic around that place. shouldn't they be like...patrolling or writing tickets or arresting the sorry mother fucker who stole the travel trailer?

ummm...the dedringers are playing tonight in dallas. i wanna go, but of course i can't find anyone to go with me. bullshit, i tell you. what is with growing up, having babies and becoming lame ducks?
i is unacceptable when you have access to a vacation house that will sleep at least 10 people and can't find one fucking friend or couple to go. i'm just appalled. i guarantee 5 years ago we wouldn't have had any trouble finding 20 people to go. i hate adulthood. it blows.

what to get me for christmas:

well, i have a pretty shitty attitude today, so i guess i better stop before it gets ugly. i fuckin' love you, people. really, i do.


Thursday, December 22, 2005

i have developed...

no shit. my office is miserable. bloody miserable.
not as bad as my bosses office. she has a thermometer & yesterday it was 57 degrees in there. i mean...that's colder than it will be outside today.

so, speaking of cold...only 4 days until my vacation. i am STOKED (have you heard the old navy commercial?)!
i have made arrangements in c.b. to snowshoe, snowmobile and of course keith's ski rentals. however, i have not finished all of my christmas shopping. perfect. i get to fight all the other idiots who waited until the last minute. shoot me now.

so..umm..i think that's it.

beer. wood. extension cord.

"i'm the coolest motherfucker i know."

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

this is so lame

mornin' kids.

so i have my office christmas party today. from 3 - 6. why can't i ever work for a company that has an evening bash with booze and shit? i mean seriously, people. who wants to hang with a bunch of your co-workers for 3 solid hours with no booze? i'm going, but not for long. it is at dave & buster's in dallas, and this girl does not want to be in traffic for 2 hours.

this weekend was pretty eventful. well, the latter part of it anyway.
some of you who actually read this blog - well you know the story. but for the rest of you...i acquired another animal this weekend. i know, i know. "you need another animal like a hole in your head". blah blah fucking blah.
so i went to a christmas party and the white elephant gift i brought home was a long-haired weiner dog. she is freaking ADORABLE.
i mean, look at her!

however, there are a couple sad parts to this story.
-my husband is insistent that i can't keep it (boy is he wrong)
-she has a stage 4 heart murmur
-she tested heartworm positive yesterday

so i dropped a load of cash at the vet to try and save her. she is a doll, and i can't let someone keep her outside with everything that is wrong with her. it breaks my heart. for now, the dog is still staying at my house, but may have to be relocated to my parents' soon. at least they are right across the alley.

alright, gotta run. they are drawing names for prizes now. i'm sure i'll be the last m-effer to get drawn. i hate drawings.

here are some more pics for your viewing pleasure.
cassi, jen, myself and sherry @ the griffin party

the bitch boots. hide your spleen.

later kats.

Friday, December 16, 2005

5 weird habits

Got this off Bryan's blog - kinda fun.

The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. In order to fall asleep, I have to move my feet around in circles.
2. I MUST have ice water in the same purple cup by my bed every night (I wash it, promise).
3. When making a salad, I put in the same ingredients and always in this order: lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, sprouts, olives, feta cheese, ranch, salt, pepper, croutons, avocados. croutons and avocados MUST go in last or it's not the same.
4. I put my purse in a "hiding spot" immediately when I get home from work. I have an unnatural fear of someone stealing it.
5. Every Friday I go to the same Starbucks, order the same drink and listen to the same cd (Ryan Adams - Gold )on the way to work.

So am I a freak??

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


not sure if i posted this one already.
zach & i at the granada. pre-smack-down.

oh my head

so...i'm another year older today.
i thought i would be really upset, but i'm having one hell of a day.

the man actually remembered my birthday. my boss brought me flowers and a nordstrom gift card and my assistants (or subjects as they like to call themselves) sent me a dozen long stem red roses. they are faaaabulous, dahling!

anyhoo, the fam is going out tonight for dinner, so that should be fun. i'm going to try to refrain from too many margaritas so as to avoid the hangover i had this morning. drunk dana came over last night and proceeded to get ME i was hurting earlier today.

well, i think that's it. i have lots of pictures from the party saturday, but as usual, this pc won't download them.
when i DO post the pictures, i'll give ya a run-down of the night. i will say this...something was in the air, because the only people not drunk were 2 pregnant women and one recovering alcoholic. it was spectacular. the pictures are even better.

"i could stand flat-footed & shit over a highline wire"


Wednesday, December 07, 2005


alright folks.
how long does it take for the f-in' snow/sleet to get to 13601 preston road?????
jeeeezus! you know upper management makes these type of decisions based on what they see outside their window. well here, it is a cold, but dry day in the ghetto. shit!

anyhoo, since i'm stuck in this meat locker, maybe i'll ramble for a bit. i downloaded a shitload of tunes last night onto my ipod, but today they are not there. i swear, itunes, ipods, hell anything related to apple - is the DEVIL. arrrghhhh!!!!!

what else? oh, dr. evil redeemed himself today. he says that i can ski on my trip, as long as i stay off the blacks. now THAT i can do. i also am not allowed to drink and ski, since that caused my injury in the first place. that may be a problem.

so here are a couple pics from saturday. in case you don't do the myspace.
pay special attention to the bass boat seats in the back...

ummm...not sure about this one...

just heard from keith. they are calling it quits for the day. homeboy better go pick me up some firewood and starter logs or it will be on.
alright, well i have a 2:30 and a 4:30, so i better run.

"I don't like Chinese people, therefore I don't like Chinese FOOD."
-author's name witheld


19 days 'til my sweet ass vacation

Monday, December 05, 2005

in the boondocks

mornin' folks.

i'm glad yesterday is over with.
it was probably the worst day i've had in awhile.
i'll make it short. woke up late. had no gas in my car. spilled a pint of milk in my briefcase. office pc got a virus. had to play catch up. a black lady with a handicapped sticker ran me off the road. all in one morning.

so the weekend...
saw the gourds friday night. that was fun. a few minor issues with my dad & brother thinking i'm 12 and they have to protect me. some dude asked me to dance several times and i kept saying no (i don't dance people, i enjoy the music). he was relentless and my brother finally decided to bust out a white trash move and get in his face. then here comes crippled dad trying to fight too. it was a mess. anyway, the guy was cool, the family chilled, and i made myself scarce. i was mortified. i mean, how did i make it almost 28 years without men to protect me???? geeeeeezzz!!!

in the words of terisa, "30 minutes and counting 'til all hell breaks loose"

terisa & i

saturday i went out to the shop and drove the jeep around and drank beer. keith almost tumped (yes, i said tumped) us over into the pond. i am never riding with him again. or wesley.
then we headed on up to cassi's new casa. talk about a SWEET ASS house. holy mother of goodness!!! so we got intoxicated on the porch by the fireplace while listening to the sidehill gougers non-stop. only cd for at least 20 miles. nice.

"i don't consume food. ever."
-me in a very drunken stupor


20 days 'til my sweet ass vacation!