Tuesday, January 10, 2006

alright already!

sorry kids. i'm back.
i've been busier than a one-eyed tomcat watchin' nine ratholes!

so...made it home (barely) from colorado. the man drove like a maniac on 4 feet of snow and ice. i had to take some sleepy drugs and pass out in the back seat to avoid having a full-on, hyperventilating, anxiety attack/cardiac episode. we almost hit a pack of 32 rams and rear-ended a deer. seriously, all i saw was its bunghole and had to close my eyes.

on the bright side, it snowed like crazy and the house was beautiful. i went skiing (against some people's wishes) and came out without a scratch. i made the rental girl give me like the shortest skis possible. i think they were for a toddler. but they kept me from breaking/tearing/splitting anything this time around.

we went snowmobiling up at irwin lake. it was awesome.
a little piece of history for ya...this is a community that is not accessible by car. there have been people living there for years. they used to have to ride to and from work on horses. they had no electricity, running water, etc. now they have to ride snowmobiles to and from work. they heat their houses with wood-burning stoves. i mean...hello, 1920 called.

anyhoo, on the snowmobile trip, JJ (the crazy guide) told us to "kinda" stay on the tracks. "don't go into any super-deep snow as to avoid getting stuck, or worse, causing an avalanche." so this man, probably in his 50s, takes his grandson up this big hill that has NO tracks in it. the boy is probably like 3 years old. so they truck on up this hill and get stuck. reluctantly, JJ goes up and helps this guy dig the sled out (for like 30 minutes) while the poor little boy has to walk down the hill in waist deep snow alone. the grandma is sitting her goofy ass on her sled watching. i'm like "dude, ya think you could help the little guy out?" i didn't say this, but i wanted to. instead, i sat on my sled & enjoyed a marlboro. keith drove around like a maniac (as usual) and said "tha hell if i'm helping that stupid sum'bitch."

so despite his driving, it was a great trip. too bad none of you kids joined us. the house will sleep 10 people comfortably. there is also a 2-bedroom apartment.
ok, i think i'm done rambling. here are some pics.

me being an idiot

cassi & i from afar

our duck

the view from the living room

catch ya on the flipside.


Blogger courtney said...

my friend cassi's house.

11:53 AM  

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