down with the sickness
mornin', kids.
i thought today was thursday, and man was i disappointed when i found out otherwise.
friday is payday and we're supposed to be getting our bonuses everyday i wake up praying for friday!
so...we have a party for nick & gloria on friday night. that should be interesting.
saturday night we're celebrating zach's bday with the parents (dinner) and then heading to dan's to see hayes carll. those damn dedringers were supposed to be there, but they got axed from the show somehow. hayes is definitely a good time, though.
by the is zach's official birthday. the big 2-6. ouch. i remember that one. anyhoo, happy birthday poodger!!
i wanna get one of these made:

92 days 'til i leave for LJT '06!!
i thought today was thursday, and man was i disappointed when i found out otherwise.
friday is payday and we're supposed to be getting our bonuses everyday i wake up praying for friday!
so...we have a party for nick & gloria on friday night. that should be interesting.
saturday night we're celebrating zach's bday with the parents (dinner) and then heading to dan's to see hayes carll. those damn dedringers were supposed to be there, but they got axed from the show somehow. hayes is definitely a good time, though.
by the is zach's official birthday. the big 2-6. ouch. i remember that one. anyhoo, happy birthday poodger!!
i wanna get one of these made:

92 days 'til i leave for LJT '06!!
Last show for a reason I guess?
listen fag! hayes is a good storyteller. now speedtrucker??? saw them at wake up last year & wasn't impressed. but i didn't give 'em much of a listen. i was drunk and antsy for the gourds. and quite disturbed by warren hearne and his merry murdre of bombadiers (or something to that effect).
Mega Spare
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