Wednesday, July 06, 2005

oh happy day

mornin' folks.
what's up?

well...july 5th was not a pivotal day in the life of courtney, but july 6th is. for the boys who are reading this, put on the ear muffs NOW.

girls, i'm not pregnant. glory, hallelujah, fuckin-a, rock & roll, smoke a bowl.
i know, i know. in a couple months, i might feel differently.
but i damn sure wanna enjoy the little bit of summer i have left, instead of puking my guts up for the next 6+ months.
yes ladies, although i feel like total shit, have no medical benefits and am bored to tears, i am happy to report that there is no bun in the oven.

could it get any better than this? yes, it could. and this weekend it will.
why, you ask? because we are taking the boat and going out to the lake with our neighbors. they have a cabin out in east texas (somewhere), and although they are very strong advocates of PDA, they are fun.
if you don't know what PDA is, flashback to high school for a moment and think of that couple that could not keep their hands off each other for the 5 minutes in between classes.
well this is the perfect description of bryan & cynthia, only difference is, they are not 16 and that damn bell never rings. its ok though, whatever floats your boat.

so i busted out the laptop last night in hopes of getting some new tunes onto the ipod. not only could i not get a signal to download stuff from itunes, my cd drive is dicked up. i thought maybe it was just the cd i put in, but i tried lots of them, and it is like it won't read them anymore. dammit i can't win for losing. good thing i bought that service agreement. i'll be headin my grouchy self to circuit city today. perfect day for chewing someone's ass out.

alright, well i guess that's it.
catch ya on the flip side kids.

"Have you ever ate at Joe's (we fuck you out of money) crab shack?...
Hey jack asses if i wanted to spend 70 bucks on expensive beer and watch some chick that did not want to be there dance, i would go to a strip bar. At least then i could see some tits. So buyer beware."

-a blog i ran across yesterday

peace in the east


Blogger Andrew said...

I know that blog and that man means bid ness! Bun in the oven huh...hahahaha!! Have fun at the lake.

1:05 PM  

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