Wednesday, April 27, 2005

number 4

howdy folks.
weekend isn't lookin to bright for me. sure is a change from the planned trip to austin that i was so looking forward to.

for those of you who don't know (probably all of you), i'm gettin the knife tomorrow morning (for the 4th time). yep. thought it could be avoided, but it can't. seems that my knee is fine...until i do something. like walk more than from my car to the office, or try to put up a tent, or help my husband cut down trees. its fine if i sit on my ass & drink beer. other than that, its shot.
and since i don't want to be a big fat ass for the rest of my life, i chose to have it scoped. well, there wasn't much choice. doctor p. said it had to be done, something about fusion and what not. medical terms confuse me. so i just told him to fix what was wrong so i can workout again. let's just hope that it is minor, b/c in 4 weeks, this girl is a-floatin the river. come hell or high water. plus, i gotta make cookies for amber's shower and god knows that is a big enough challenge for me when i'm capable of walking.

so, since i'm not accustomed to doing NOTHING on a weekend, i'm gonna need some company. i've already made my list of things to do while i'm incapacitated (sp?). for those of you who know what to do when you're bored, please offer some more suggestions. read 'em & laugh, i know i'm gay.

in no particular order, they are:

-do homework (yea right)
-read (maybe, but only if you people bring me some smut magazines)
-watch movies...on my list are: Jesus, Meet the Fockers, The 6th season of Sex in the City (ummm...yea, do those 3 titles really go together?)
-pop my pills & eat like there's no tomorrow (this is my 1st choice, and most likely what you'll find me doing if you come visit & bring me flowers, brownies, trashy literature and what not)

ok, well i guess i better get some work done before i'm off the hook for a couple days.

"does your skin tear easily?"
this was a question that i was asked on my clinical history
i'm like "well, if you use a knife, i'm sure it will tear pretty damn easily!"

later peeps.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

can we start over? appears that i've offended the hell out of all 3 of my friends, because i've heard nothing in the way of comments, criticism, laughter, or threats after my last post about shitty cars. so, can we start over? what i meant was COMPACT cars. men shouldn't drive compact cars. it doesn't matter if your truck has hail damage, bondo, cracked windshield, etc. it is still a TRUCK. hell, those things add character as far as i'm concerned. i just meant that a man belongs in a big automobile.

so, i'm sorry i'm so shallow. and i'm sorry for speaking my mind. ok, not really, but i guess i'm sorry for speaking it aloud. i hope none of you hate me.
hell, i'll even remove that post in order to make it appear that i'm a sensitive, open-minded, down-to-earth girl. but we all know the truth.

friends again?

ok, so moving along.
i'm getting ready to head out on my camping trip in a couple hours. i hope it doesn't rain. chances are it will, though. because guess what courtney did? she rain-proofed the wrong tent. well, maybe it wasn't the wrong tent in the beginning, but after i set it up, rain-proofed it, and was about to take it down, i realized that there was a funky ass smell coming from the tent. the smell of doo-doo mud. you know what i'm talking about.
my brother, misty & myself took a spontaneous camping trip last summer/fall to turner falls. well, if any of you has been there, you know that it f-ing stinks to high heavens. and that smell is stuck in my tent. so after all the sweating, cussing and arguing that took place, we have to take a different tent. one that is not rain-proof (if there is such a thing).
bottom line: if it rains, we're sleeping in the back of my car. and that is REALLY close quarters when you're sleeping with a big 'ol boy who snores like a wild man.

alright, i better hit it.

here is my so-called quote (it is really an email a friend sent me):

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four
Americans suffers from some sort of mental illness.

Think of your three best friends, if they're okay, then it's you.

**we already know its ME**


Tuesday, April 19, 2005


hi folks.
well...its tuesday. 4 hours of bible tonight & then its party time...mmm...i might be going to hell for that remark.

i've spent the last 2 days trying to rip music from my hard drive onto my new ipod. ain't that a bitch? my laptop is SOOOOO bloody slow that i've only got about 10 cds on it so far. plus, this thing is not cooperating, b/c apparently my laptop is also a dinosaur & doesn't have a 2.0 usb port. WTF? i hate computers.

so i'm praying that i can stay competent enough thurs-sat to take some good pics.
our first camping trip of the spring...should be interesting...we're taking my car in case it rains. i will NOT have any of that sleeping in a wet tent mess.

OK! i'm going to rant again about minivans. i can't take it anymore. those bitches who drive them ought to have an a-whoopin' courtesy of ME. and the men who drive minivans, well, you'll get your ass kicked sooner or later anyway because you REALLY deserve it. i mean, seriously. do you actually think you have street cred cruisin' around in a f-in' chrysler "town & country"...what is the deal? since when is a dodge "caravan" a race car? these people have major issues, and i'm sure the biggest one stems from the fact that they are driving the ultimate queer-ass, retarded computer dork automobile in the history of automobiles and probably have their little rat bastards screaming in the back seat. i don't know why they think it is necessary to race me, tailgate me, cut me off, flip me off, etc. do i have a sticker on my car that says "fuck minivans"? no, not yet. but i think i'm going to have one made. i mean, i know i'm cooler than you because i'm NOT driving a family truckster, but really...get off my ass. NOT MY PROBLEM that you had so many kids that you had to buy a cheesy-ass vehicle & put soccer stickers & shit all over them. its called birth control. not kidding. the madness has to stop, or i'll be in huntsville before you know it. or terrell.

has anyone else noticed how BAD these people drive? i mean really? am i the only one?

ok, i'm done. back to work.

Thought For The Day
"Good looks catch the eye but a GOOD personality catches the heart. You're blessed with both!"
But don't be flattered, this message was sent to ME!!
I just wanted YOU to read it.
-Louie sent me this & I couldn't resist....


Friday, April 15, 2005

hit a nalka back

right on.
i got an iPod, i got an iPod...
yea, that is correct. i guess i was trying to outdo angie and decided to make a purchase for myself. i'm stoked. i'll be busy all weekend, now. probably take me a good week to figure out how to use the damn thing.

anyway...yea. i can't think of anything else important to talk about.
don't do anything i wouldn't do.

"bitch it took you a week to get back to a nalka?"
-misty d

over & out

Thursday, April 14, 2005

the dirt 'stache

what's up chuck?

well...boring weekend ahead. keith is off work, we have no plans, blah.
now the next couple weeks is a different story, folks. rock on.

ok, the pinnacle of redneck. i just don't know if i can bring myself to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god. but i'll try.

so here we go. i got a phone call this morning from this guy we will call hank. hank was laughing his ass off because he successfully dumped in the same starbuck's two days in a row. wtf? walked in, went straight to the potty, walked out. didn't buy a damn thing. i'm like "dude, the least you could do is buy some coffee. or water. or something." i mean good lord! so of course i had more questions, because we all know how fascinated i am with weird shit (no pun intended).
"did anyone say anything? or look at you? or cuss you out? or kick you in the ass?" "nope, a couple of them yuppies looked at me, but i don't give a damn." good night nurse. i mean, i know that most of you know me pretty well...and i can be crude at times (ok a lot) but i am very particular about where i potty. yea, so i have no more to say on that matter.

onto bigger & better things...i will be working the avp (beach volleyball) tournament in austin 4/29-5/1. how cool is that? gonna hook up with good ol' jamie kramer (gunter, now) and we're gonna tear up the town. after we do a little volunteer work of course. actually, i think we're gonna head back to san antonio & crash at her place. stuff, no less. lots of beer will be drunk. or drank. or however you say it.

alright, well i think it's time for this girl to get out of here. it's weekend starts now.

"I have respect for her because she is slutty but she's TOTALLY ok with it."
~i won't be sharing the infamous author of this quote, in order to protect the innocent, or not so innocent, i should say

i can't believe i wrote a blog about dumping. i'm really stretching now.

peace out my nizzies.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

my name is courtney, and......i'm....uh...special

hi fockers.

well...i realized where that "i'm gonna stop drinking & smoking" comment came from. so on girls' night, i was telling my story of how i think i'm having mental problems (besides the usual ones i have everyday), and describing my symptoms. of my friends happens to have a Master's in psychology, and the first thing she said was "sounds like withdrawal symptoms". ok, thanks, but withdrawal from WHAT? i have not WITHDRAWN myself from any of my normal activities as of late. when i say "as of late", i mean the last 3 months.

so, as i sit here drinking a drink & smoking a smoke, i realize that i am a hypochondriac (sp?). i don't think anything is wrong with me (i mean like anything BAD) except for the fact that i am just now noticing my mental problems. since sunday (please knock on wood), i have had no symptoms that would indicate that i'm dying of some terminal disease. SO, i'm gonna stick to that and tell myself that i am fine and that is that. sorry for rambling, it is 11:00 p.m. and i just got out of class.

i learned a new definition today. i knew what the word meant, but not the actual definition of it. the word is debauchery. look it up, b/c i don't have time.

i'm sitting outside on the porch by myself and i keep hearing all these sounds and i'm kinda getting freaked out, so i'm going to bed. yes, to lock myself in my bedroom. muthafucka gonna get blasted if they touch that door handle. ok, so my dinner of cauliflower did not provide a good base for the beer that i'm drinking now.

oh, angie pulled a courtney on sunday. went to tiffany & purchased a gift for HERSELF. good girl. if you don't do it, nobody else will.

alright, i'm out.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

slick rick

bad bad courtney.
you would think i would know better than to mix beer. but i guess i forgot.
i started off early yesterday with corona, but started getting tipsy, so i decided to switch to miller lite. like that's better? how about WATER drunk ass?
anyway, sherry & i stayed up until 2 or 3-something and I feel like shiite.
i think i'm going to quit drinking. seriously. and smoking. i feel like a wrinkled up old paper sack. or look like one, i should say. would think that today should be spent on homework and relaxing, but no. i'm going to ride my bike and sweat out this hangover. if i can convince myself to turn off the t.v. and get busy.

peace & chicken grease.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

well well well

glad the weekend is getting closer.

i'm going to ride my bike this weekend if it kills me. i'm sick of being a lazy bastard. i have no muscle left on my body whatsoever, it is sad. and i have how many weeks now until i have to don a bathing suit? let's see....7 weeks. scary.

ate at la-ha today with bev. she is so crazy. i ate like a fat bastard and now i need to go puke. that was a joke. that place is SOOOO yummy. then we have dinner at monica & aubrey's tonight, so i'm sure i'll gain 5 lbs before nightfall. especially with their nifty antique beer cooler on the back porch. she just sent me an email that said "i just checked and there is frost on the outside of the beer cans". i'm so jealous.

ok, well i have a conference call soon, so i better hit it.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

hot mess!

afternoon, kids.
its wednesday. better than tuesday. but not as good as friday.

a last minute attempt to get a band/duo to play at our girls night on saturday wasn't successful. i thought i could persuade the guys with money, or showing boobs, but i guess i just don't have enough to offer. seriously, i tried to get the dedringers to play for us on saturday, but they already have another private party scheduled. wish it would get cancelled. i know jen & ashley both love folk music & they would be SOOOO impressed with these guys. oh well. guess we'll just get drunk and act like goofy girls instead.

what else? i've got hives. yea. as if my medical record needed another addition, i have been getting hives the last couple days. i don't know what the hell is wrong with me. i'm going to have to get on some heavy meds so i can block out all the drama in my head.

ok, gotta run. its lunchtime.

"the politics of nerds & stuff"


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

razor blade, anyone?

mornin, people.
well, today is gonna suck as bad as yesterday, b/c i have class AGAIN. have to miss the girls ncaa championship game. damn!
remind me why i'm still in school? oh wait, is it because i slacked off so bad when i was younger & the PARENTS were paying for it? smart girl, that courtney...
in case i haven't mentioned it before - I SUCK AT ACCOUNTING. i'm beginning to get suicidal over this. i just don't get it!!! aaaarrrghhh!

anyway, i am very excited about this weekend! we're having girls night at the griffin place. all the girls, lots of alcohol, and the whole place to ourselves!

well...that's about it.

"well god have friday"
-reece mc


Zoe, Eve & Dorry (in the background).

All 4 dogs (I cut off Sam's head) playing on my towel. I was trying to lay out, but as you can see, they took over my spot.

Monday, April 04, 2005


hey guys. its monday. was brought to my attention that "your blog has been sucking lately", so i thought i would post. not sure how exciting it will be, but i'm posting, none the less. i've been very disconnected lately, not sure why. i think it is because i'm a little overwhelmed and busy. but that's ok. its springtime, and i LOOOOOVE the springtime, so i gotta suck it up.

friday night we had dinner with amber, koby, jamie, derek & macie at amber's house. it was awesome!! we ended up staying the night, b/c keith passed out in the chair & i couldn't get his ass up - most of you know he is 2 times my size (impossible for me to lift him).
so i went to the wake up fest on saturday. from what i recall, i had a great time. honestly, it was a LOT of fun. met some cool people and saw some interesting bands. on that subject, one band was called "warren jackson hearne and his merrie murdre of gloomadeers". yea, i thought the same thing you are thinking right now "WTF????" anyway, i had consumed lots of alcohol, and the guy playing the upright bass scared the hell out of me in his burglar mask. no shit, look them up online & you will see what i'm talking about. CRAZINESS. cool, but crazy.
the gourds were great, except their set was very short - only an hour or so. not nearly enough time for me to enjoy them. i would send pics, but i think i was too drunk to take any. i only found one on my camera, and it wasn't even a good one.

i babysat my nieces, eve & dorry yesterday (of the canine variety). they are SO cute!! i took lots of pictures, but my camera is dead now, so you'll have to be patient for those. like until tomorrow. no wait, i think i have some in my email. anyway, i was SOOOO hungover yesterday (all that keg beer) and i was going to lay in bed all day, but i knew keith would be pissed (i went out without him saturday night) if i laid around all day. so i got up, ate something, put on my swimsuit, and went outside to get some sun & let the dogs play. that wasn't such a good idea, because my head was pounding. i went in & took some drugs and liver-rite pills, and that helped. so i got some minor tan lines - 1st ones of the year! - and the hangover subsided. keith was drinking beer, but i couldn't - since i puked like 4 times that morning. anyway, i was a good little wife and made dinner (except the grilling part - he has to do that). and that was my weekend.

i'll try to work on making my posts more interesting, but honestly, its my life - how interesting can it get?

"michael hardy ate michael hardy"


Friday, April 01, 2005

wake up!

hey kids.
i'm skipping out early today.

going to wake up fest '05 tomorrow - lots of beer, food, hippies, nudity and music. my kinda festival. the gourds are playing tomorrow night. i'll take lots of pictures of the naked girls for you.

word to ya mutha, i'm out