Tuesday, May 31, 2005

traffic on the way - yea - 6 hrs worth

the party spot

drunk, cold & injured

toobs waiting for a ride
p.s. that is not my car in the bg with a "tejano 97" sticker on the bumper

i like trains

mornin' folks!
what a weekend. i don't even know where to begin.

so...ill-advised by dr. evil, and totally against his wishes, i ditched the crutches on thursday evening.
my thought: what difference is TWO more weeks on these gonna make in the long-run? he already said i'll need knee replacement by the time i'm 40...so...fuck it.
OH MY GOSH...this is creepy. dr. evil just now called & said to stay on the crutches for 5 weeks. holy shit i don't think so. ok, let's talk about something else, because i'm freaked out.

the trip - it rocked.
except for the weather.
the days were beautiful, the nights were scary. it stormed every night, right about the time we would go to bed. so courtney slept in the truck all weekend! i stayed dry, and didn't get struck by lightning.

saturday, floated the river. cassi & i got a boat, but that didn't last long. we got stuck on every damn rock from beginning to end and almost lost the cooler. so we made the guys get in the boat for the last hour or two of the trip. then life was good. i will never use a raft again.
saw the dedringers saturday night. ol' sean & jonny. they were fabulous. ok, maybe a little intoxicated (ok a lot) but they did great. and looked better. mmm..hmm...

sunday, after much drinking on the island, i decided that we were walking (lots of cops) to the floathouse to see cody canada play acoustic. i think i mentioned some guy named kevin black playing at our campground - well he just LOOKED like he sucked.
anyway, good thing a shuttle stopped by our campground & gave us a ride. cody was ok, except wade bowen was with him. i wasn't too thrilled about that. plus there were loads of people there. we ended up only staying for an hour and then deciding it best that we walk back to our campground. we clocked it at 1.1 miles in the car earlier that day. but that night, after a case of beer and the knee getting sore, it seemed like 6 miles. luckily we made it back before the storm blew in. caught a couple songs from the kevin black dude - it was as i expected, SUCKY. so i threw some ice on the knee & climbed in the back of the truck for some shut-eye.

that didn't last long. the band decided to move into the little snack hut to play since it was storming.
the snack hut is right by our campsite.
they kept us up with some god-awful hick music until 4 a.m.
and they took our extension cord.

packed up yesterday & came home (took back the extension cord).
only took us 4 hrs & 45 minutes to get home. i even stopped in hillsboro & exchanged some shox that my mom bought me for some cute black & pink ones.

good weekend...i'll post pics shortly.
unfortunately, none on the river, b/c i forgot to buy a disposable.

"beer is proof that God loves us & wants us to be happy"
i have no idea who said this. but i like it.

peace out

only 10 days 'til the girls' river trip...yeeehaw

Thursday, May 26, 2005

meeting hell

howdy folks.
i've been in meeting hell since 8 a.m. and going back there in a few. just wanted to post before i'm out for the weekend.

so i'm getting comments about my junk gypsy site, but of course nobody signed a name. you anonymous posters really piss me off! i'm going to block anonymous comments from now on. get some nuts people!

the doc still hasn't called with the verdict on my situation. so i decided to start walking. which probably wasn't the best measure. my knee hurts like a mofo now.

so i ripped a bunch more tunes to my iPod last night. i figure i'll need 'em to keep me company while i lie in my hammock
and pop vicodin
and drink
and pass out

alright, i think that's it.

"I used to have a black mix lab/chow and that was a mean fucker...he bit two people, but he was a bad ass dog...bad meaning good."
~my boy, Louie

lata gata

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

sorry, i couldn't resist

whiskey river

afternoon, kids.

just rolled in from dr. evil's office a couple hours ago. he MIGHT let me off the crutches by friday for my weekend trip. keep your fingers crossed, pray, burn some incense for me, whatever you gotta do - get busy. i need all the help i can get.
he did say i can float the river, rock on!

went to one of the few pre-river trip planning parties last night. at cassi & wesley's (there will be a LOST watching party at my house tonight, then a packing party tomorrow night). any excuse to party, right?
anyway, cassi cooked up some grub and we all sat out on the patio & drank beer. it was great fun. what's even better is, we went over the food list & this girl doesn't have to go grocery shopping for this trip. cassi is gonna take care of all that.
amazing how a minor handicap can get you out of doing shit for a month or so (the ONLY upside to this mess).

so brooke called me at 8:00 this a.m. (billy goat's gruff lady) to visit about my upcoming trips. i was totally naked, just out of the shower, and my radio and cell phone were making crazy sounds. after almost busting my ass on the tile floor from hopping to a chair, i finally got situated to where my cell would work in my bathroom.
it appears that there are a couple of bands providing entertainment at our campground. the dedringers saturday night...mmm hmm (in the slingblade voice) and kevin black sunday night (uh...who? clint black's brother is what she told me). i must say, i was never a fan of clint black, and if his brother is anything like him...well i'll make sure i drink enough on sunday to sleep through that.

alright, well it looks like i'm about to be involved in something similar to the movie "twister", so i'm gonna skate.

"Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills..."

holla back young'ns

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

So the point of a tolltag lane is??????

the bitch is back

mornin' folks.
i am countin' the days until friday! SO excited!

i'm sorry, but i have to go on again about my handicapped state. i'm a little irritable, because i have so many errands to do this week - packing up the camping supplies, grocery shopping, finding a babysitter for my dogs, getting myself to the tanning bed, etc. etc.
"why?" you may ask, "are you responsible for this stuff when you have a husband who has 2 functioning legs?" well, he has is own stuff to do...ya know, like:

-sit in the happy chair and drink beer
-watch the nba playoffs
-read the newspaper
-eat unacceptable amounts of food

so anyway.
i love roadtrips! i think i've talked zach into joining us, so we're gonna hop in the suburban and cruise on down friday morning. lucky for me (and not for my husband) this car is a smokin' wagon.

what else? oh...courtney doesn't normally reveal her fashion finds, but check out www.gypsyville.com for some super-cute junk! i spent a fortune on there this morning. some of it is too gaudy (even for me), but they have lots of fun stuff!! oh, they also have really cute quotes on their site, such as the one below. i think this is my new favorite quote:

"good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere"
-helen gurley brown

peace out.

Monday, May 23, 2005

sweatin' bullets

mornin' folks.
well...i guess it's afternoon now. whatever.

so we are all in agreement that mondays blow. well today is especially irritating.
i've usually developed a good sweat by the time i walk in the lobby door, one that would normally happen to someone after 5-10 minutes of running (due to the crutch thing of course). today was no different, except for the a/c in my suite was not WORKING. yes, no air was blowing through the vents. so instead of getting relief when i walked in the door, it was more like entering the gates of hell. 60+ employees had already sent me notes that they are sweating their arses off, etc. long story short, it is fixed now, but because of the beauty of texas spring/summer, it will take all day to cool this place down. lucky for me i'm in the part of the building that cooled off first!

WARNING: here i go with one of my vehicle rants again. if there is a chance you may be offended, just skip this section.
if i see ONE more yellow hummer, i'm gonna chew my own arm off. ok, yea, they were cool like two years ago, when you were the first one to have one. now that there are like 750,000 in the plano area, fuckin' sell that school-bus lookin' monster!!! ugh, people need to learn to be leaders, not followers. ok, i'm done.

what else? well...i have a couple short weeks coming up, as most of you probably do. in hopes of preparation, organization, and some pre-trip partying, i plan on ditching class tonight. that's right. i know...i really shouldn't, and i'll regret it tomorrow, but i'm just not feelin' it today.
plus, i have a million errands to run to get this camping show on the road. wait, why am i explaining this shit? nevermind. i'm gonna go shopping and then go over to dad's & watch LOST (i never watched this weekend because i was too busy partying). there's the real truth.
furthermore, we are off next monday (due to the holiday), so i get a well-deserved 2 week break from academics. yeeeeehaw.

alright, well i better run (not really) & grab some lunch & hit the tanning bed. don't want to be flabby AND white for this weekend's trip.

"i am so hungry i could eat a small child"

17 days of crutching to go...

Friday, May 20, 2005

Check out this elk sticking it's tongue out. This is courtesy of my friend Laura, with Daisy Photography & Graphic Design.

oh those friday night blues

what up people?
SOS here.

it's friday but i'll be sittin at home like all the other cool kids watching the tube. a friend just reminded me of a good movie that i can rent tonight. oddly enough, it is called "friday". i know you people have seen that one. "its friiiiday, you ain't got no job, you ain't got shit to do....you gonna get hiiiiiigh". oh the memories.

i also need to catch LOST that my dad taped on wednesday night. i heard it was a good one, but i don't want to know details, so be quiet.

went to the hockey game on wednesday. my mother is not quite the mike modano that she claimed to be. she avoided battle at any and all costs. hell, she couldn't do anything because she was laughing the whole time...and so was i...at her. she did get knocked down once, and she couldn't get up with all that hockey shit on, so she crawled over to the wall and got herself up. it was hilarious. but i forgot the camera, so no pictures. my friend lissa is supposed to be sending me some today, though.

after watching, i've decided that i want to play hockey...sans crutches, of course. i think i would be really good. well, maybe not good, but i know if i can stay up on skates long enough, i can really bring the pain to a skinny chick. "beefcake!"

alright, that's that. gotta get some work done.


2 weeks, 6 days of crutching to go

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

dance like a honkey

howdy folks.
anybody ever seen that clip? i sent it to some of you yesterday i think.
that is some funny shit. i like the honkey hump and point to the lord.
sad thing is, i've been to establishments in which folks were dancin like that.

buffalo sauce from chick-fil-a...holy hell i could drink that stuff!!!

so i may be going to some mini-music-fest in trenton on saturday. anybody ever been there? i don't think i have. basically its a couple bands playing in some dude's pasture and BYOB. my kinda party. guess i'll sleep in the back of the exploder again, b/c i think it is pretty far from my house. keith isn't going this time. he's had his share of uncomfortable sleeping quarters as of late.

alright, well i better hit it. gotta get out of here early for the hockey game. must get pictures of this mess.

"have you recovered from your case of "wherethefuckismylaptoposis"?
-bildo a.k.a. "funk masta flex"


only 22 days of crutches left....

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

some of my girls in action. can't wait til the river trip!

old old picture, but this is the midget who is going to be playing hockey tomorrow.

it's gettin hot in here

mornin kids.
went to class last night (first night of bus. law) and OMG can you say H-O-T, hot!? as in the professor. that's right. i'm serious when i say i have never crushed on a teacher. ever. but enter dr. mikey and its all over but the cryin.

so, enough of that. as my patience grows slim and my beer belly large, i have made a committment. NO, i'm not quitting drinking or anything crazy like that.
i've decided to stop complaining about my inability to walk right now. i've spoiled my whole life and i guess i am a little ungrateful. there are people who can't EVER walk again. and that sucks. so i'm just going to keep doing my little exercises and work really hard to stop damning my doctor (dr. evil) to hell everyday. however, i will say that if i get off these things and CAN'T walk....well, he's gonna have hell to pay.

OH...get this. my mother, who is 5 ft tall, not to mention 55 years old, is playing hockey tomorrow night. that's right. HOCKEY. they are doing some charity event and have been practicing for a couple weeks now. i can't wait to see this. and she's pretty feisty (sp?) too. the other day in practice she hit the puck and it hit some guy in the nuts. and she laughed about it. i'm nothing like my mom, as you can see.

ok, well, back to work.

"i looked at him and he had like 6 chins. i'm married to a potato, courtney."
-this one's anonymous b/c i don't want anyone to get their feelings hurt-


Monday, May 16, 2005

kickin' wing

what's up people?
well...its monday again. i wish i only worked 4 days a week - tuesday-friday. and then then mondays wouldn't suck. actually, i wish i didn't work at all. keith told me to quit my job yesterday, but i think he was kidding.

so...i'm so extremely boring these days i don't even bother with posting anymore.

i could take a picture of my knee,
or of me doing homework,
or sitting on my ass while other people fetch me beer.

but what fun would that be? it would just remind me (and everyone else) of how bad i SUCK right now! i am making a pretty lame attempt at being upbeat about it, yea, only 3 weeks and 3 days until i'm off these crutches. yee-fuckin-haw.

on the bright side, i'm going to the river soon. yes, this flabby, no left-leg-muscle-havin', out of shape girl is going to have to don a bikini. so anybody in guadalupe county (or any other county close to it) better back the F up. but it will be great fun. brooke is going to sit with me on the dock and drink beer all weekend, so that will make me feel better. someone to drown my sorrows with.

ok, i gotta run. gotta get to class.

"this one gang kept wanting me to join 'cause i'm pretty good with a bow-staff."
~Napolean Dynamite


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

hells bells

mornin kids.
well, i thought i was going to post some pictures, but now it appears that my camera went dead on me. i suck. speaking of that, the mavs really bought the farm last night, didn't they? jesus, what was wrong with my boy dirk? i think its because i didn't wear my "i love dirk" panties. i better don those come wednesday.

took the dreaded accounting final last night. everybody pray for me, because if i don't pass it, i'm dropping out of school. no kidding.
on the bright side, if i DO pass the class (which i plan on), i'm throwing one hell of a party for myself. and i'm not kidding about that either. i may be on crutches, but i can sit at the bar, have you people buy me drinks & carry me to the bathroom when necessary.

so the mom called last night & wants me to go to austin with her the weekend of june 3rd. there is even a new pair of nike shox involved. hell of a deal! now...here is my plan. mom is going down for some sort of meeting, and she said i will have all day saturday (or sunday, i can't remember) to shop, drink, etc. by myself. now this is quite alright with me, because most of you know i like myself, which makes being alone pretty exiciting - unless its at night & i hear something outside my window.

ANYWAY, don't start yelling at me, but i want to get a new tattoo on the top of my foot. yes, another one. it is a very small one that most people won't even see unless i'm wearin flip flops. so i figure while mom is in her big executive meeting (j/k) i can slip on down to 6th street & get some new ink. i know what all of you people are thinking. "you're getting a tattoo removed, but you want ANOTHER one???" well, the reason i'm getting one removed is because its UGLY. and its on my belly and we all know what will happen to that if i ever birth a child.
but i must mention to keep your traps shut around the spousal unit & or he'll be callin me trailer trash.

this little trip to austin also makes me out of town for 3 weekends in a row. river, austin, girls' river trip, then back home for a wedding. man...i hope mom is paying for this austin trip.

alright, well, i better get busy. i have my new testament final tonight. don't even say it.


Monday, May 09, 2005

matthew is hot

mornin' kids.
i'm actually gonna post before noon today. i hope...if i don't get sidetracked (it happens often). i'm a bit sidetracked by my texas monthly cover of matthew right now. its almost like he's staring at me. nevermind.

so...i took lots of pictures this weekend, but forgot my usb cable to download them, looks like that will have to wait until tomorrow. most of them are of the dogs, but they're awful cute!

had amber's shower on saturday - she cleaned house!!! most of you know i have always been anti-baby/kid/rugrat, but i'm coming around. i was quite depressed when my best bud (and drinkin' bud) got pregnant, but now i'm excited. maybe because she's almost due, which means she can at least drink a beer with me soon. but i'm also excited to see miss ella!!
did the whole mother's day thing yesterday. it was kinda fun. except i can't walk. yea. that makes everything suck. especially the fact that i have the cutest new skirt on today (i bought it a long time ago, just never wore it) but it still doesn't look cute! by the way, does anyone know how to sew? i spent $90 on this thing, and i swear somebody could make one just like it & save some money.

only 2 & a half weeks until the river trip. i'm so pumped. although i may be sitting on the BANKS of the river drinking instead of floating, at least i'll be there, and it will be summer - or something like it.

ok people, i'm out. lots of work to do...i have a final tonight AND tomorrow night, so i better get busy.


Friday, May 06, 2005

well well

afternoon, folks.
friday afternoon to be exact...nothin's finer than a swig of shiner.

gonna be another lame weekend for me on the party front. but i do have amber's shower tomorrow, so at least i'll get to socialize, rather than laying on my couch takin drugs. only problem is, the crutches really cramp my style and i'm not gonna look cute, no matter what i wear. why? because i have these big, ugly metal sticks that i have to carry around all the damn time. SO UN-cool.

i almost forgot, my nieces, or neices, or nieces (how the hell do you spell that word? i went blank) may come visit me tonight (the canines). i am so excited - they make me smile. eve has become quite the hyper (sp?) girl lately!
ok, let me take a moment to apologize because it appears that i forgot how to fucking spell overnight. i'm not sure what has caused this malfunction, but anyway, please forgive me.

alright, well i'm out. headed home to attempt to make ladybug cookies for this shower, pray for me, b/c i'm no betty crocker.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

i hate these.

Me & ZC (and some redneck bastards in the background).

No words necessary

Me & the Man at the LJT festival

things that suck

-knee surgery
-minivans with soccer stickers on them
-people who drive like assholes with babies in their car
-britney spears
-the traffic this morning
-i have only had 2 beers in a week
-my painkillers have no refills
-i have a final on monday & i am not going to get one answer right
-i need a handicapped sticker
-the houston rockets (i hate you t-mac!)
-i need $50,000

i'm out