Thursday, March 31, 2005


this damn blogger has been crazy the last couple days. this morning it wouldn't work at all, so this one is going to be short, just like my fuse right now.

doctor called, all my tests were normal, turns out i'm just crazy. but i already knew that. i guess i'll just use my usual method of medicating myself. miller lite.

well...i start new testament principles on tuesday. looking forward to that. make me feel like more of a heathen than i already am.

ok, well i'm out.

"why don't we just have a pasta sandwich with a side of mashed potatoes"

later peeps

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

rollin like a freight train

afternoon, folks. its a hot mother outside today!
i feel like going home & laying out by the pool. in fact, i think i will. what sucks is i don't get my bikini wax until friday, so i would suggest that nobody drop in to join me. unless you are brave or blind.

you people HAVE to check out the site above. it is funny as hell. i am now officially an inadequate blogger. oh well. some of us just suck. oh, and make sure you read the one titled "the 50 worst times to get wood". anxiety problem has not subsided, the doctor hasn't called me, so i think i'm just gonna throw in the towel. i'm kidding. i am feeling better, still really anxious, but the headaches aren't as bad.

on that note, in order to ease my worried mind, i decided to make some purchases at lunch. i went to nordstrom (to pay on my bill), but decided to rack up some more debt by looking at the sunglasses. some of you know my luck with sunglasses and are probably asking "why the hell would she buy sunglasses at nordstrom? they'll end up getting run over by a golf cart, lost at the bottom of the guadalupe, or chewed up by the dogs." well...shutup. i needed some new glasses!
and i bought not one pair, but TWO. they were very reasonably priced, and i am really going to focus on not losing or breaking them. but if i do, i have a backup pair, right?

alright, well i better get some work done. i have to figure out how to update a postage meter. that should take me the rest of the afternoon, taking into account how technologically saavy i am. did i spell technologically right? took me half an hour to re-program a keypad on a server room door last week. god save the queen.

"i always get on sucky teams."
-kim after a pictionary game at GSGW


22 days until my first spring campout!

Monday, March 28, 2005

honk if you're an asshole

UGH - its monday. yes, i'm going to complain today. A LOT.

today must be "drive like an asshole day" in plano. i SWEAR everyone was driving like idiots! i almost got ran off the road by one of those lumber trucks, then some jackhammer in a little truck crammed his ass in between me & another car. and if you know me, you know i will ride your ass until you have to get over. i'm a tailgating biotch. dude...did all the yankees migrate to north texas? i think so.

oh my, ladies - i know i'm a day late & a dollar short (ok, many days late), but i saw troy last night for the first time. good lord!!! i don't like bloody, gory (sp?) fighting movies, but it rocked my world! well, actually only achilles and paris. that orlando bloom (paris) reminds me of this guy i know and i now officially have a huge crush on him (as if i didn't before)!! holy hell, have any of you seen that movie? WHEW. brad pitt's naked butt almost sent me into a seizure. probably because it has been many years since i've seen a trunk like that! alright, let me change subjects - focus courtney.

so, i have never had a problem with anxiety or anything like that, but i think i do now. i didn't sleep a wink last night! i kept waking up feeling like i was having a heart attack - i'm not kidding. it was scary. i still feel something weird in my chest. i was trying to tell keith about it, but of course he was like "uhmm...argh...blah" as he rolled over and continued snoring.
my mom swears that when she eats onions that she can't sleep - well, i had potato salad yesterday with LOTS of onions in it & i am beginning to think that her little theory could be true. i know it sounds crazy, but i can't figure out what the hell is wrong with me. i NEVER have trouble sleeping - i mean i can sleep ANYWHERE (except an airplane).

bought the shooter jennings cd this weekend, that's right, he is the late waylon's son. i think i like it, but i'm not sure. i may just like it because he's got long hair & smokes pot. well, i don't know him personally, but by the lyrics in some of his songs suggest that he may partake in a little extra-curricular...why that is hot to me, i don't know. must be the whole bad boy thing...or i'm just a freak, which is probably more like it.

OH - got my louis duffle on thursday, only its not real. yea, the jerk-off fooled me. i'm sending it back today. it almost looks real, except for the zippers - looks like he made them himself. my advice - if you want a louis, go ahead, save your money, and go to saks or neimans. i've always said i would never carry a fake anything, its just not cool. now i know better than to trust anyone on ebay. i should have known when he said his name was jason mcgraw but talked (typed) like a chinese person.

ok, well, i better get to work. i'm out of here early today for the dreaded accounting class (round 4 - i'll finish someday). and if you want to know about the quote of the day, just email me. it is a pretty funny story.

"i wish i would have diarreahed (sp?) in my pants so i could have showed you!"


24 days until my first spring campout!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

jules, lindsey & i on saturday. would have been cute had the little bus boy not got his melon in the way.


hey kids, its friday for me. that's right, no worky tomowow (oriental accent). this company is awesome. we get SO many holidays off.
in case you don't speak spanish, chanclas are flip flops. i just love that word!!

some of you know that i have an almost uncontrollable urge to shop that pops up at the most random times. popped up just now. i am not sure if i can fight it. this is bizarre, but i feel that we need new pillows in our bedroom. you know how after awhile they get that stinky hair smell? well, i HATE that smell, it irritates the hell out of me. so i'm going to buy lots of new pillows today.
**don't confuse my dislike of stinky pillows with my LOVE of long-haired dirty boys. it could work out, trust me. a little sidetracked on that.

ok, do/did any of you listen to the edge in the mornings? used to be my absolute favorite, but i'm over it now. they got rid of "slim jim", who was such a dork, but made me laugh. now they don't have julie on anymore. it is that goofy ass mondo mike (who i think is mentally retarded) and dean lewis, who claims to me a comedian, but is not one bit fucking funny. i'm SO pissed. so pissed that i'm now listening to howard stern, the liberal bastard. unfortunately there is nothing worth 2 shits to listen to in dallas unless it is my cd collection. and sometimes i even get tired of it.

OH! cassi is bringing over the puppy for "play day" with my dogs. she is my little (canine) neice, eve. i will take lots of pictures. she is a DOLL.
alright, well the stomach is growling, i'm out.

"i am mexican, we don't take vacations, we take sick days!"
-my boy, louie

your momma

keith & i - oh, and casey is at the bottom of the picture. she jumped in at the last second

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

territorial pissings

hey kids.
its a good day to drink beer and listen to nirvana, b/c thats what i'm doing (minus the drinking beer part). or as my friend bill says, "BUHR".
i know i'm not the only one ready for summer, right? i'm sick of this cold shit. i should be thankful, though - steve called from detroit & it is snowing.

well, against my better judgement, i'm going to the kelly clarkson concert with angie & kim. i know, i know, I KNOW! i tend to stay as far away as possible from mainstream, but i'm really not going for the music (obviously). i'm going for fellowship with my girls and to enjoy some cold beverages. however, if i find out that nokia theatre is one of those non-drinking establishments, i will have to change my mind. yes, I AM in fact that shallow. i have been to one concert (that i can remember - imagine that) in which alcohol was neither sold, nor allowed on site. fortunately, my boy ZC had the hookup & we hung out backstage. actually, someone from the band called & asked us to pick up beer because they didn't know there was such a place as this. therefore they HAD to let us backstage.
and as if i'm not already being made fun of by you people for agreeing to go to this concert, i also bought the cd. but i promise i'll sell it on ebay as soon as the concert is over!

OH! i sent out the river trip evite today. if any of you missed it, let me know & i'll forward it. of course this is LADIES ONLY. sorry boys, you no welcome on this trip (in an oriental accent).

i am DYING for some caffeine. i started out trying to kick the starbucks habit for the umpteenth time, and have been fairly successful. but then i decided to completely deprive myself of caffeine (thinking that is SO healthy, even though i still drink & smoke) but it is just not going to work. i have an addictive personality, and i'm not scared to admit it. good thing the drugs never stuck. i'd be a wreck.

"we're gonna get f-ed up & do some f-ed up stuff"
from some rob zombie movie my brother was telling me about.
i'm sure it was a hit.

headin' for the coke machine

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


sorry, i'm bored - i ganked this off someone else's blog
Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!

alright everyone - this one is interactive - sort of. caption it by making comments. you people are too quiet.

listen, people - if you like candy, order some chocolate covered mini-pretzels from this website. preferably the 2lb bucket. they rock the f-in house!

so i am sucking at this blogging thing lately. i just can't get motivated. plus, i keep forgetting the camera, so there is really nothing interesting to post.

believe it or not, we actually ventured south of 121 this weekend. yes, i know, "what was the occasion?". well, it was a suprise dinner for lindsey at monica's in deep ellum. i thought i would be going alone, but finally talked keith into going. we had a good time. that place doesn't have the best food, but the atmosphere is very cool (minus the whole dallas crowd thing). they have a band there - i am not sure what you would call them. but just so you get the picture, there are like 4 mexican guys (one looks like santana - seriously) and they play drums, keyboard, guitar, and those drums you beat with your hands. i can't remember what they are called. but they were really good! they have a conga line (i think that's what you call it) and only ladies can participate - or that is all that participated that night except for the leader - he is a man. they go all through the restaurant dancing, then out the door, then when they come back in, there is a guy at the door pouring tequila down their throats - i was SO sad that i didn't join the line. of course, with my crippled leg, i would have looked pretty fucking special, huh?

anyway, everyone else went out after dinner, but i had to promise that i would not beg & plead to go out to the bars afterward. so i was good. i didn't cry and scream & throw a fit like i usually do. i didn't need to limp around all night anyway - especially after drinking heavily. whoa - what was that? the voice of reason? i must be ill.

anyway, sunday was a beautiful day here - keith worked (of course). i got up when he did and went to the grocery store in order to beat the church crowd. that worked beautifully, especially the handicap cart i had to use. that was a sight to see. i could almost see people thinking in their heads "what a lazy bitch. why is she in a handicap cart?". then i went home & hung out by the pool the rest of the day. i am really going to miss that pool once we decide to move. it is such good therapy.

well, what else? i start back to class on monday. that is going to suck. i wish i could win the lottery. i had a dream i won the weekly grand - i already had it planned out what i was going to pay off first. unfortunately, it was only a dream. i cried when i woke up.

ok, well back to work.

"where the fuck have you been?"
-my boss (not to me, thank god)


Friday, March 18, 2005

View from the porch - beautiful weather ALL week - until we left.

Our drive home...not fun.

vacation recap

happy friday, skeezers.
sorry for the delay - i'm WAY behind at work.

here we go:

thursday, 3/10 - got up at 4:30, loaded up in the suburban & left clay & jen's at 6:00. only took us 12 1/2 hours to get there. somewhere in new mexico (don't ask me where) clay decided to take historic route 66 instead of the main highway. this would have been cool, had there been any eating establishments on route 66. instead, there were a bunch of really old motels (scary ones too). jen got pissed, clay was laughing (along with keith) and i was just freaking hungry. so on the other side of whatever this town was, we saw a dairy queen. jen had just finished saying "don't ever eat at a dairy queen in new mexico", when clay pulled into this place. it was in a gas station. i don't mean one of those nice, new ones. i mean an old ass station and they just installed a counter and a couple griddles on the right side of it.
jen is holding casey & says "casey, they don't have grilled cheese here" when a large man with a killer grill jumped across the counter & said "m'am, grill cheese be fine" to which casey replied "mommy, that guy has big teeth". i lost it!! jen is so sweet, she just smiles & says "ok, thanks."
so anyway, that is the most memorable portion of the drive up.

oh, also, the weather was BEAUTIFUL - see picture above.
we got to the cabin & rusty & tricia were already there. went to the bear creek saloon for dinner & drinks. casey puked on jen, then on the floor. i almost puked my nachos, but turned the other way so as not to see the puke. she & clay took casey home. when we got home, the guys built a fire outside, almost burned the yard, jeff arrived around 10:30 or so. i went to bed shortly after, because clay informed us that he gets to the mountain at 8:15 every morning - very much UNLIKE keith & i when we go on vacation. we get up at 7 or 8, go to breakfast, THEN go to the mountain like around NOON. this was a shock to us.

friday, 3/11 - COURTNEY woke up and beat everyone to the shower so as not to run out of hot water. the reason i woke up before everyone is because i did not set my watch back to colorado time. i was up at 5:30 and ready by 6:15. everyone else got up at 6:30. lovely start to my vacation.

headed up to the slopes around 8:00 - the guys drank beer on the way (yea, sad, huh?). i refrained. jen had to stay at home with casey so i was with the guys for the day. anyway, we got to park like RIGHT by the slopes, so that was one plus to arriving at the crack of dawn. however, it took me most of the morning to get my f-ing boots on. yes, we left our boots in the car overnight - not a good idea. i thought i was going to break my ankle trying to cram my foot in that boot.
as if that weren't painful enough, there was a really steep hill to get to where i needed to put on my skis. fell down that a couple times as my darling keith watched & laughed. i finally made it up.
so all the hard stuff is over, right? i have been snow skiing since i was 5 years old. not to brag, but i don't suck at it. well, i was quite the opposite of what a seasoned skier should look like as i skied down to the lift line in my 165s and straddled the pole. you got it, they gave me 165s and i'm 5ft 3. same size skis they gave keith. so..i could not control the skis at all. i busted right in front of the lift line. it was beautiful. i think MY nickname needs to be grace now, not you amber.
after that drama, i made it on the lift and to the top of the mountain. skied down with the group and did OK. ok, i sucked it up. i was so confused at how bad i sucked at skiing - i mean, i just went in november and did fine. it was like i had just learned to ski again. well, after several more runs, i got used to the huge skis and got back in the groove. then i took a beer break.
3 beers and a bowl of chili later, i decided that i wanted to get in a couple more runs before the day was over. not a good idea. i rode up with clay, got off the lift, went around a corner, and busted. those damn skis got tangled up again and i went down. this time destroying my poor knee - the bindings were so tight that the skis didn't come off. so after a little pouting, i got up and attempted to ski down a little. the left leg would not work at all. so i had to ski all the way down the mountain straight, then right, straight, then right. it was brutal. clay & jeff left me, so here i am skiing down on one side, crying, and cussing the whole way.
i made it to the bottom and there is keith, mad as hell. he says that i will never ski again, but i disagree.
so i decided to have another beer to ease my pain - yea, a little hair of the dog.
anyway, we headed back to the house that afternoon and drank a few more, tricia made gumbo (i didn't eat it) we played trivial pursuit & went to bed.

saturday, 3/12 - jen wanted to take casey up to the mountain & put her on skis. i could hardly walk up the stairs, so keith & i took the day off. well...keith took the day off - i had no choice.
we drove around pagosa springs, found a coffee shop (far cry from starbucks), i decided that i needed a smoke to ease my pain. right - i use that excuse for every vice. anyway, we just hung out that morning, got some groceries & went back to the cabin.
keith is a work-a-holic, so he did all kinds of stuff around the cabin while i sat on the porch and watched. clay came back early with casey and we fired up the grill, drank a few, and started cooking dinner. after checking out the beer status, we realized that colorado used to not sell beer at ALL on sundays, and had to send jeff for an emergency run to the store. anyway, this night was much better on the food front - ribs, chicken, potato salad and beans. normal food, not gumbo. as everyone was eating dinner, keith passed out on the couch and began snoring. i had to drag his big ass downstairs (i'm crippled, keep in mind) and put him to bed.

sunday, 3/13 - jen, casey & i stayed home this day. all the guys went skiing withouth us. we went to the store (again - we forgot some stuff) and tried to do some shopping, but HELLO - nothing was open on sunday morning besides the grocery store and church.
we put casey down for a nap that afternoon & sat on the porch with some cocktails. it was a beautiful day again - however there was a rumor that a storm was coming in on monday or tuesday.
we had steaks, grilled veggies, salad and twice-baked potatoes for dinner - then played pictionary (keith went to bed again). i learned that my drawing skills are at a 5 year-old level. i'm not kidding. i am no claude monet, that is for sure. good thing that jeff wasn't the best artist either, because we ended up drawing against each other in most of the all-plays. of course the girls kicked the guys asses, then went to bed.

monday, 3/14 - nobody skied. rusty & tricia left to get back to lafayette. it started snowing a little, but nothing bad. tricia called & said it was snowing like crazy in albuquerque (sp?). we went to the bear creek saloon again and had appetizers/drinks. came home & jen, jeff & i decided to go down to the springs and soak. it was awesome. except they busted us for bringing beer in. turns out you can't drink while soaking in their hot tubs - who knew? anyway, they had all different pools with varying temps. we got in 102 and 104. 104 was as hot as i could go. i had to sit on the side a couple times. these springs have lots of different minerals and apparently they tarnish silver. my necklace and bracelet turned out looking like copper. i hope i can polish them.
we got back to the cabin and clay & keith had decided that we needed to pack up and leave that night to avoid bad weather. i vetoed that idea, since ALL of us had been drinking since lunchtime. we ordered pizza, packed and went to bed.

tuesday, 3/15 - woke up at 4:15 to 3 inches of snow. packed the car, and took off. many highways were reported closed - i was freaking out. i wanted to just stay until the weather got better, but clay insisted that he had to be at work the next day. got 5 miles into the mountains, jeff spun out behind us, hit the guardrails, but fortunately did not fall off the side. we tried to call onstar for a weather station, first time we got a lady who was not very helpful. tried to call 2 more times, wouldn't go through. we had no cell phone reception either. finally we got into onstar and a different lady gave us a weather station.
this drive was BRUTAL. see pictures above. apparently, new mexico can't afford, or doesn't like to use snow plows. we almost died several times. it took us 11 hours to get to the texas state line. 5 more hours after that to get home. we got home around midnight.

anyway, it was a fun trip, just a few disappointments for me. i will definitely go back - hopefully this summer - and will result in NO INJURIES.

i'm supposed to find out my MRI results this afternoon (keep your fingers crossed). i guess i should look on the bright side - if i DO have surgery again, at least i'll get my hands on some good meds.

"i like all the memorabilia on the walls"
-CT at the gas station/dairy queen in NM

its friday & i love beer

10 weeks until river trip #1

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Time for some good drugs

alright time for details today, but i will update everyone on the trip ASAP.
so, in a nutshell:
-beautiful weather in colorado
-drank a lot of beer
-ate a lot of good food (i must have gained at least 5 lbs)
-tore my knee to hell the first day (possible surgery - MRI tomorrow)
-soaked in pagoda springs the last night (pools full of sulphur water that are supposed to be "healing" - all it did was turn my silver to rust)
-almost died on the way home due to 3 feet of snow - was BAD
-took us 17 hours to get home (i'm tired)

ok, hope everyone is great, but i have over 100 emails to read and shit piled on my desk is neverending.

"i can't wait to unload the anchor that's in my ass"
-CT on the way to colorado

word to ya mutha

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

rocky mountain high*

mornin sunshine!
its a beautiful day in plano.

courtney's words of wisdom: don't start working out the week of a ski trip. i'm not sure that my legs will work by friday. it took me an extra 30 minutes to get out of bed this morning (in my I love Dirk panties - yea, they rock). anytime i cough, laugh or sneeze, my abs almost split wide open, and i find it hard to get off the toilet without handicap rails to assist me. if it doesn't get any better, i guess i'll just hang out in the bar (that's usually my destination anyway).
i'm stoked - besides the river, the mountains are my favorite place in the world. unfortunately i have to get up at 5:00 in the morning. i think i will shower tonight & sleep in my clothes so all i have to do is put on my glasses, grab my pillow & go. this girl is sleeping for probably 8-10 hours of the drive anyway. in between helpings of beef jerky and smartfood. i'm not sure why, but that is all i love to eat on road trips. keith hates riding in the car with me because i drink so much water i have to pee (and smoke lately) every hour. he took my water away last time we drove. it was painful.

alright, well i have to cut it short. lots to do today.
by the way, comment you fuckers, you've been too quiet lately!

"buster, you ain't worth a sack of beat up dickheads!"
-some old guy in this story my dad told me about when they were kids

down the road

*i'm really not going to the rockies - i can't remember the name of the mountains we're going to...san fernando ricardo perez bernardino or something like that.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

me & my friend elisha. i had a little too much to drink that evening.

Monday, March 07, 2005

oh yea baby...can't wait

oh my god becky look at her butt

it is so big.
happy monday people. not really. but let's pretend.

well, i won't be able to walk this time tomorrow. why you ask? i started working out again today. i tend to overdo it the first few times - i guess trying to make up for the lack of exercise i've been getting over the last 3 months...besides the 12 oz curls, of course. i tried out the little gym here at work. it is DEFINITELY not 24 hour fitness, but is a lot cheaper. so we will make due for now.

well...almost got to go to austin on saturday, but got un-invited last minute. that's ok. i would have spent a fortune on booze anyways.
so basically, the weekend sucked on the party front. i was not able to convince K that i really needed to see mike mcclure on saturday. it probably didn't help that i was 3 sheets by the time he got home from work. ray charles could see that i didn't need to go anywhere (except to bed).

i cleaned my house like crazy on saturday - also got a new desk (which involved tools) and got frustrated with that, so i had to have a cold one before too long. but i got the living room all re-arranged, etc. looks good. i will say that i fucking hate having tile floors now. i was SORE from sweeping, mopping, getting on my knees cleaning dog hair out of the corners. you would think i could handle that type of work...but no. i'm definitely hiring a maid when we get back from vacation. the soreness from housecleaning is what inspired me to get my ass back to the gym. things were starting to look questionable.

what else? oh...went to magan's baby shower yesterday. it was a couple's shower. i went without my partner of course, because he was WORKING - as usual. anyway, it was fun. best baby shower i've ever been to - alcohol was served. can i get an amen? a word of warning - anymore of my friends that get pregnant, i ain't coming to the shower unless alcohol is served. baby showers suck more than paris hilton and i can't even tolerate one more (except for ambers because it WILL be fun). my baby shower will be a like a fucking festival. hell, i might even get a band to play and get a few kegs so i can convince all you people to bring me gifts. sound like a plan?

alright, well i think i'm done. i have to get up and walk around before my ass grows into this chair.

we have 2 quotes today. i couldn't choose and i would forget them both before tomorrow. one is from a blog that i like to read every few days...

"say fuck-it a lot"
-mike mcclure

"hey there!! ya ol' cork sucker"
-my brother, to me. such a sweet guy.


3 more days until CO!

Friday, March 04, 2005

it makes me a jolly good fellow

happy friday people. except for the rain.

well, what's new? nothing. except i found this kick ass shirt on ebay and i bought it. most of you will really appreciate it because it is so me. it is light blue and says "I love(heart shape, not the word) beer". hell yea.

speaking of beer, this weekend is lookin' pretty sad on the party front. i've got to work my mad skills to get the husband talked into the mcclure show tomorrow. its at hank's...too close to miss, but he is still punishing me for my 12:30 return from the mavs game on monday. yea, i always have to pay dearly for my fun times. but i'm used to it. most of you remember the skinny dipping incident in high school, right (or at least my colorful and detailed account of it)? talk about paying dearly. i thought my midget mom was going to beat my ass in the hallway outside my chemistry class!

what else? OH! its march. the new shipment of old gringo boots is in at cj's (cj riley's).
i know what i'm doing tomorrow while the man is working!
speaking of the man, i'm off to meet him for lunch. today is tomato basil soup day at the abbey...word.

"We're all gonna have so much #@$!* fun we're gonna need plastic surgery to remove our godamn smiles!"
-Clark in one of the vacations - the one where they went to see marty moose.


only 6 more days until CO (to freeze my ass off)!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

A smile means a lot. It enriches the person who receives it without impoverishing the one who offers it. It only lasts a second but you remember. Sometimes it never erases.

he's alive!

mornin crackbabies.

well...lots of good news today!! first off, its thursday, and NO SCHOOL for me!! yay! i got moved to monday night classes, but not starting until the 28th. i'm pumped. so, you know what that means ladies...thursday night happy hours are in session. let's get this party started!

oh...i got an email from angie about my story on napolean die-namite yesterday. turns out he is not dead, just a i look forward to many more silly movies fom him in the future. tina come get some ham!

and finally, my job gets better everyday. i'll elaborate more later...

went to hooter's last night with the man. i used to love that place (the food) but ugh now it makes me sick. the beer was good though. beer is always good.

still working on convincing k to let me plan a trip to cali. i am dying to go to the desert. i've already found where i want to stay. i did want to stay at the joshua tree inn, but it kinda freaks me out, so i found a privately owned home out in the middle of the desert - on the outskirts of joshua tree national park. you can check it out here:
only thing that is holding me back is the fact that there are spiders, snakes & scorpions in the desert. i'm gonna have to get real nice and drunk everynight to be able to sleep. who wants to go with me??

ok, i'm out.

"i don't know why they call it hamburger helper. does just fine by itself."
-i think eddie in christmas vacation said this


7 days until CO!!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


howdy kiddos.

i did a little reading on blogging, and learned a little bit. apparently i'm a sucky blogger.
really, what i read was very opinionated, but i think it was good information. one thing that stuck with me was not to whine. so, since that is pretty much all i do, i'm going to try really hard to STOP. i do have to say one thing before i give up whining. does anyone have that person at work who just pops into your office whenever they damn well please??? i do. and it drives me crazy. call me on the phone first!

i watched napolean dynamite last night. it was a little slow (ok, REALLY fuckin' slow) but it made me laugh. those boots and the wolf shirts kill me. OH...and the dancing scene??? greatness. misty told me that napolean died in a car wreck a few weeks ago. i'm sad. friggin idiot!!

all i can think about is how i'm going to manage to see LOST tonight. i don't even own a vcr to tape it and NO i don't have tivo. i know. i suck.

alright, well i'm out.

"hell get ghetto & throw out some towels like i did"


8 more days until CO...yea baby!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

kansas = crazy barking dog Posted by Hello

zoe = sweet dog Posted by Hello

cocaine, guns & women

mornin kids.
what's up?

its all good in the hood today. well, sort of. went out last night (i know it was monday, but i had to). sherry needed a date to the mavs game, and of course i always enjoy drinking beer and people i joined her.

so we ended up having too much fun and didn't get home until after midnight. the man was not so pleased when we woke him from his slumber. in the happy chair, of course. he flipped off sherry.
mavs games are a blast...and there are always interesting people to look at. i have to say one thing. dallas chicks (the fake-boobed, sequin belted, caked on makeup ones) suck. they make me want to puke. i'm glad that me & all my friends are so fuckin' cool.
oh..i almost forgot. we almost got in the middle of a gang fight or something of that sort. p-diddy junior was one of the involved. crazy shit.

anyway, if sherry sends pics i'll post them. i was too drunk to figure out how to work my camera. good thing, because you know me...i probably would have lost it.

"yay for courtney"

alright. i'm hungover...need food.

word to ya mutha

9 days until colorado, baby!