Thursday, June 30, 2005

mother f-in soundcheck

mornin kids.
how's it goin? good here. it's thursday. which is trash day at my house.
but it's also the day before the friday of a long weekend. and i do mean long, kids.

alright, so the pimpster louie sent me an email with "alcohoroscopes". this thing is quite entertaining. although i'm not sure mine would be entirely accurate. you read it & tell me (or not). and if you want me to forward this little piece of info, let me know.

In vito veritas - and for Sagittarius, in booze blurtiness:
when buttered, they'll spill all your secrets, and many of their own. tactlessness aside, sagittarius is just plain fun to drink with. this is a sign of serious partying (what else would you expect from the sign of Sinatra, Keith Richards, the Bush twins and Anna Nicole Smith?). they're the people who chat up everyone in the room, then persuade the entire crowd to travel somewhere else - like a nightclub, or a playground, or Cancun. good-natured hijinks are sure to ensue (including a high possibility of loopy groping; spontaneous sag is a brilliant booty call).


yea, so the weekend is not looking TOO exciting. 2 parties to go to. one of them is my parents' party, which should be pretty lame (especially if mom tries to control the flow of alcohol). but i must make an appearance, don't cha know? the other is also a more family-oriented party at the CEC farm. but it will be fun because of the presence of fireworks and booze. yes, some families do include booze in their gatherings, MOM.

went to visit amber, koby & ella last night. that girl is a doll!!!
i can't wait until she can talk and learn and i can teach her all the valuable lessons that i've learned in my 27 years.
like which types of liquor/beer/wine should not be mixed.
and how you should never smoke cigarettes because you'll have a voice akin to jesse ventura (like myself).
or what not to attempt to smoke dope out of (golf club, beer can, banana peel).
or how many bombers you can mix with alcohol.
or how to heed the warnings re: the ugly guy you're flirting with at the frat party.
or the dangers of a nordstrom visa.
or how to fight the almost uncontrollable urge to ram a minivan in the ass on the tollway.
oh kid, i could go on and on. you'll be glad to have an aunt like me. the things i can teach you. i can teach you what NOT to become. and who NOT to look up to as a role model.

alright, i'm done with the senseless rambles.
hope everyone has a fun & safe weekend. i know i won't.

peace out my nizzies

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

that's that

all i have to say today is:

sometimes in life, you find a special friend,
someone who changes your life just by being part of it,
someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop,
someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world,
someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.

i'm out kids.

Monday, June 27, 2005

i'm cancelling my planet tan membership today.

are you serious?

mornin' kids.
here we go again. another day, another dollar.

so the weekend was absolutely unproductive on my end. with the exception of buying groceries and cooking yesterday.

friday: went to hooter's, drank beer, then laid out by my pool all evening.
OH...wesley decided that he would try out cassi's pink lace thong underwear. it was a sight to behold, let me tell you. especially when he jumped off the roof into the pool. i saw more than these eyes EVER wanted to see. of course it was good fun seeing a skinny ass man walk around in a thong. and not really caring what was hanging out.
saturday: cassi & i went shopping. then went home & floated in the pool with cold beverages, of course. keith & i had sherry & brandon's party on saturday night. we only stayed until like 10 i think. he forced me to leave, although sherry & i really wanted the hummer to overcome.
yesterday: bev & brionna came over to swim, more people showed up in the evening and enjoyed MORE cold beverages...while i slaved in the kitchen on brisket, beans & potato salad.

i ended up crashing by 9:00. before i crashed i told keith to be SURE that he closed the garage, locked all doors, turned on porch lights, etc. because we all know what he has a tendency to do after a few beers (pass out with all lights on, doors open, cars unlocked, espn on full blast).
not to mention i just found out last night that some dude who just got out of prison lives RIGHT ACROSS THE F-ING STREET!!!! holy hell, i slept with one eye open!! i am not kidding, if that man looks at my house the wrong way, he will get a bullet to the leg. or wherever my terrible aim leads it. i am all about giving people a second chance, but from what i understand, this one isn't really trying to keep his nose clean. literally.

oh...send one up for nana...she has 4 fractured vertebrae & is having surgery today.
alright, well i think that is it.
i gotta do some work for a change.

"kiss my ass, krispy kreme"

later peeps.

Friday, June 24, 2005

its a hard knock life

hey fuckers.
guess what i'm doing?
sittin' by the pool drinkin' beer.
fuckin a.

the boss man gave me the afternoon off. i RULE.


naked twister

mornin' folks.
well...another week down the shitter. and i'm another week older.
but so are you and's friday, so who cares?
today is going to be very random. surprise, surprise.

my friend sent me this little birthday thing.
you should try it:
my results were eerily familiar. it did mention that i love animals. which most of you know i care more about animals than most people.

so on the subject of doggies...
last night we were chillin' by the pool when my dogs started going crazy (crazier than they already are). so wes tells me that there are 2 stray dogs in my garage. i'm like wtf?
so i went out there and there was a lab that was probably no more than a year old. then there was this other thing. i'm not sure what kinda dog it was. it looked like a cross between a pit and a boxer. it was all old and gray and slobbering. wesley shouts "look at his ass! there's something wrong with it!" i filled up a big bowl with water and they both drank. this gave me a chance to get behind the dog & see what all the talk about his ass was. and OH MY GOSH. i am no doc, but this dog's ass cheeks were so swollen. he could barely walk and just looked miserable. i felt so sad. so i call animal control (which they don't control ANYTHING) and i get a f-ing answering machine. i walked around to the front yard thinking maybe the owners might be looking for them. the lab sees a truck drive by and starts chasing it. so i freak out. i'm in the middle of my street directing traffic to keep the dog from getting hit. damn teenagers drive like idiots! hehe i'm getting old, i know.

well keith does not have the soft spot for animals like i do, so he's like "fuck 'em. leave them out there & they'll run off eventually. just don't feed them, we don't need anymore dogs."
against my better judgement, i filled up their water bowl again and went back to my business of doing NOTHING.
so today i feel really sad and hope that they didn't get run over.

YEA....i think i'm done for now.
gotta connect with the boss man in asia..

"ok, emily, are you now employed by the double dong factory?"

blah blah blah.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

hello lover

please meet my future 2nd husband. his name is henry.

bills bills bills

mornin' kids.
i need to win the lottery.
i seriously hate paying bills. they say the best things in life are free, but i do not concur.
i can think of two things that i enjoy that are in fact free, but that's about it.
the first is laughter.
the second

so, yea. i am still not on my a-game kids! lets just hope its pms, and not the alternative. i've been so hungry lately, i could eat a small automobile. craziness. maybe it is because i've starved myself for the last 2 weeks. ya think?

ripped some more songs to my ipod last night. that thing is addicting.
however, it would be much better if my laptop was a little more recent than 1997, maybe it wouldn't take me all fucking night to burn 4 songs. i was a little irritated that i couldn't find some of the songs i wanted. of course you have no problem finding shit like jay-z and gwen stefani. posers.

alright, well i have nothing exciting to report. as usual.
here's a little conversation between myself & tyler. he makes me laugh.

T: I was outside all night last night. I have probably 40 bites on me (or more) no joke. I look so bad I have 6 on my forehead alone. one on both ears, I am a mess. I was in a mtg itching my back, legs, ankles (why do they always go for the ankles?) lol
Me: OH MY GOSh!!!!!!!!! you have them on your forehead??????? LOL i bet you are a sight to see!!!!! i am crying.
T: Yes! It is terrible! I am going home at lunch to do something about it, I dont know what. Cindy told me to buy rubbing alcohol and bathe in it! hahaha
Me: or buy some of that calamine lotion (pink stuff) and dab it all over your head & you'll look like a 5 year old with chicken pox. lol
T: hate you


a funny

The owner of a golf course in Texas was confused about paying an invoice, so he decided to ask his secretary for some mathematical help.
He called her into office and said, "You graduated from University of Texas and I need some help. If I were to give you $20,000, minus 14%, how much would you take off?"
"Everything but my earrings."

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


i just had to share these lyrics.
take it as you may...

be careful what you wish for
wishin' might make it come true
in the graveyard one day
my tombstone will say
that I wished for somebody like you
-sidehill gougers

be afraid

mornin kids.

ok, i'm probably about to give some of you the shock of your life. so angie, please sit down.
well maybe not that extreme, but you will be surprised. i want to have a baby. yep. and i'm pretty much positive about that statement, or i wouldn't have said it.
yes, i think i can give up my party lifestyle for about 18 years. maybe.
i don't know what happenned to me last night, but i saw ella, and that was it. something just clicked. it is craziness. i have seen SO many babies and never got too thrilled about them. but now...ugh. let's stop talking about this. i'm scaring myself.

so anyway, ella elise was born yesterday. she weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 19 1/4 inches long. she is the cutest thing ever!! wrapped up like a little burrito.

ok, onto another subject.
i have this little story that my friend told me on friday. it was going to be the quote of the day, but it would be too long. so here we go. i have this friend we will call fred (to protect the guilty). fred was sitting on his back porch smokin' a joint. once he finished, he threw the roach in the backyard and didn't think twice about it. well...later on that evening, his dog couldn't walk and was acting all funny. actually, i think it was his grandma's dog, but that doesn't matter.
anyway, his nana said "fred, there's something wrong with that dog." to which fred replied, "there's somethin' wrong with me too." haha!
so they took the dog to the animal emergency clinic (keep in mind 2 out of the 3 passengers are stoned as hell) and they said they had to do all kinds of tests and it was going to be like $900. so fred, in anticipation of the tests revealing marijuana in the dog's system, said "nana, i think this dog will be fine, let's not spend all that money." nana replies "i think you're right. if he dies, oh well" (or something to that effect).
so, the moral of the story is "always throw your roach over in the neighbor's yard"

alright, i think that's all for now.
*and FYI - i do not smoke dope. but i like stories about dope (they remind me of my younger years).

"balder than a motherfucker. jammin'."


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

pepto is my friend

mornin' kids.
has anyone ever had that new cherry pepto? its pretty good. especially if you are sick. hehe
feelin' about the same today. but a girl has to get paid ya know?

so i took my BLAW final last night (in between puke breaks). bombed the hell out of it. but the prof likes i should be good to go. or let's hope so anyway. 7 more classes to go, keep praying for me.
oh, and while you're doing that, send one up for amber & koby today as well. going in to get that little girl out of there at 11:30. i can't wait to see her!!!

oh my gosh, joana was in my office just now talking about deep sea fishing and she managed to throw her coffee up in her face and all down her shirt & arm. i think i just peed myself.

well, nothing too exciting to talk about. if anyone is a pro in finance, i need to become your best friend over the next 7 weeks. thank you very much.

"girl, my brother's girlfriend's cousin bought a scratch off ticket last week and won $30,000. I think she's a crack head too, how come people who win money are always the people who don't do nothing useful with it?"
-my crazy friend b

later kats.

Monday, June 20, 2005

the porcelain god

afternoon folks.
well...its monday. and a bad bad monday at that.

instead of getting some things knocked off my to-do list at work, i'm laying in bed at home blogging. that's right. some of you may or may not know i've been sick for the last week. well...not exactly SICK, but not right in the stomach area (and head too). anyway, i went to work for like an hour today, and couldn't make it. i have been paying homage to the porcelain god all day.

went to the wedding on saturday. it was ok. just ok. nothing spectacular. i didn't even get any pictures. plus "the dress" didn't look nearly as good on me saturday as it did a few weeks ago. damn.

had the family over yesterday for father's day. it was a good time. zach & misty even showed up. of course we (z, m and i) drank beer and played in the pool while mom & dad watched t.v. and drank tea.
talked mom into helping me plant flowers, so my backyard is a little less drab now.
we'll see how long i can keep them alive...

ok, well i feel like shit so i'm going back to sleep.

rock out with your....nevermind.


good clean fun

sorry boys...couldn't resist this one!

Q: What do you call an intelligent, good looking, sensitive man?
A: A rumor.

Friday, June 17, 2005

too much bud light?

yes, he used a laundry basket. my understanding is that coolers aren't real expensive. especially the styrofoam ones.

stabbin' wagon

mornin' my little cupcakes.
drove the 'burban in this morning. i love that car!
my two nieces are staying with me all weekend, so i have a house full of weiners. literally.
cassi & wesley are out of town, hence the 'burban & the weiners. yea, anyway...

a few people came over last night for dinner & drinks. wesley was one of them. check out the pictures of his beer transporter. classy guy, that wesley. you will also see the shape he was in toward the end of the night. he decided to get into the dogs' playpen and sleep.

we have a wedding tomorrow night. i SO can't wait to put on that dress! i know i'm beating a dead horse, but i'm so excited to wear it! i just hope my damn shoes get back from the shoe-fixer-guy today.

oh yea, its father's day on sunday. i'm getting my dad an iPod. because i'm just THAT cool, russell! he has mentioned that he wants one, but he's too damn cheap to buy it, so that's what we're getting him. my mom is pretty fired up about it, because she hates music. correction: she hates dad's music.
mom: "does that thing come with headphones?"
me: "ummm...YEA mom, it does."
mom: "thank God! buy it so i don't have to listen to that shit he calls music."

alright, well i'm tapped out. and those beignets in the kitchen are calling my name...

"i wanna take you to dinner & a movie. by dinner i mean sex and by movie i mean i'm gonna tape it."
-some guy my brother & i met at the river

later kids.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

this just in!

if all goes as planned, miss ella elise phillips will be here tuesday, june 21st!!
yea for amber (and koby)!!!

arriba arriba!

why, baby why?

mornin' kids.
ok, gotta make this quick before i forget every damn thing i've thought about this morning. and forgive me for the lack of consistency in today's post. it is all very random. oh wait, its always like that.

so i saw this lady on the way into work today. she was in an SUV and the front windows were not tinted. however, she had a damn BABY SHADE in the driver side front window. i lost my shit! how 'bout saving like a hundred and get those bad boys tinted??? makes sense...instead of putting yourself and everyone around you in danger by hanging a freakin' view-obstructing babies r us shade in your window!! yea, sounds like one of those minivan bitches, huh?

i'm thinking about stopping drinking again, because i don't feel so good today.
ha! just fuckin' with ya.

ok, i just remembered this. on the way to the river last weekend, we heard this song on XM. i don't usually listen to pop music, so i had never heard it before. tell me if you have. it goes something like "don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?". WTF is that??? i swear to christ i could be a f-ing musician these days, and i can't sing or play an instrument! oh wait, i can play the clarinet. rock out!

alright, well i can't remember everything else that i wanted to bitch about, so i'll get busy.

"that's good clean fun right there."
-cassi the queen of quotes

russell is a douche bag.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

can't see the forest

for all the fuckin' trees
mornin' folks.
you know it's gonna be a good day when you go into a public restroom and the lid is still up and it is all sparkly clean. most of you know that i have issues. public restrooms are one of those "issues". so now i don't have to go home at lunch to potty.

why is it that when you have a boring weekend planned, the week flies by? last week dragged (is that a word?) major ass due to the plans i had in store. but this week is almost gone.
so the man is working this weekend. good news for me. i can do all the fun things that i do when he's not around. like homework. and pedicures. and shopping. and dancing in my living room to booty jams. and...ummm..nevermind.

yea, so we're going to angela & erik's wedding this weekend. looking forward to that. well, really only because i have a cute dress to wear. other than that, weddings suck. they really do. in my opinion, anyways. and that is what this is all about right?

well, i gotta run. i'm swamped today.

"every party has a pooper that's why we invited you, courtney!"
-cassi (to me on saturday night)

peace out.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


mornin' folks.

dude...i feel so much better today. not sure why.
maybe its because the 2 cases of beer i drank friday are finally out of my system?

sooo...nothing too exciting today. oh wait. the starbuck's hottie loves me. made my day this morning. my jcp friends know this, but some of you may not: when i worked at jcp, i drove this certain shortcut to work. there happenned to be a starbuck's on the way, so i always stopped there. is not so much on the way for me anymore, but i still go there. fuckin pitiful sad life i lead, huh?

ragweed's at lone star park friday. thought about going. then changed my mind. too many damn fights - kids these days....j/k. seriously, i went last year, and there were lots of boob shots. that was pretty cool. but people were throwing beers and shit. it was irritating. kinda reminds me of a certain show in stephenville when chaos broke out. good times.

talked to amanda yesterday. come to find out, we only took TWO pictures all weekend. this is probably a good thing, because 90% of the pictures of me would be laying in the bed crying for my mom on saturday. but i'm kinda pissed that we didn't take more. oh well.

alright, well i gotta run.
here's another IM from russell. we have such intelligent conversation.

rkmds73: is it a male or female hottie?
imanoldgringo: male
imanoldgringo: dude, i'm not gay. how many times do i have to tell you?
rkmds73: I know you are not gay. Thought maybe you were cool though

in the words of my dear cassi:
peace the f- out

Monday, June 13, 2005

late is an understatement

Here is your horoscope for Friday, June 10:
Yowza -- it's exactly your kind of day. You're happy, lucky and happy-go-lucky; last-minute changes of plan take you in even more fun (and more obscure) directions. Don't be surprised if it's a late night.

wish i had seen this BEFORE i left.


mornin' kids.
good night nurse it is a bad day!
the weekend is a bit of a blur as well. which is probably a good thing.

soooo....where to begin?
friday cassi & i got to NB around 3. unpacked & started drinking (bad idea). amanda & mari joined us around 5:30.
went to the floathouse to see the dedringers. that was fun. drank too much there too (or i did, anyway). threw my lighter at sean and missed - it landed on the roof of some other building. that sucked. jonny b. had some blood-like stuff on his shorts...said he killed a guy. ok...
so back to the campground. drank a lot more. apparently there were some heated debates on topics that i don't recall. drunk courtney missed all that. my brain wasn't working anyway, so i wouldn't have had anything of value to offer.

i am told that bedtime was 3 or so a.m. but i do not concur.
my hangover would suggest otherwise.
yea, so on the subject of hangovers. i still have one. no shit.

saturday turned out to be a not-so-good day for courtney. i knew i couldn't bail on floating because the girls were so pumped. but i was in & out of the bed all morning. i decided that if i could get out in the sun and start sweating, i would feel better. i did for awhile, but then felt like i was passing out. maybe because i had not eaten since 5:00 the day before?
so we go a-floatin', not sure what time it was. everything about me was just not right on saturday.
so i finally choked down a beer on the river. then a sandwich, then water, then another beer, then water, then a third beer. then i opted not to drink. it was just too painful.
got back to the cabin. 2 of the girls showered, decided to go out, while the thought of curling up in a ball (or a tube sock) and sleeping sounded more attractive to me. so we went to bed at 9:45. i don't know what the girls did saturday night either. i was in a deep slumber...

so cassi & i got back around 2:30 yesterday. i actually drank a few beers last night, but the sickness has returned. the same way i felt saturday. ugh.
i still can't get my appetite back. alcohol is a BAD BAD thing!!!!
it was a fun trip, despite the still-lingering ache in my soul.

alright, i'm out.
no quotes, b/c the brain is fried.


Thursday, June 09, 2005

yo yo yo

what up homies?
thank God its thursday. actually, its friday for me. sort of.
and what a lovely day it is. june 9th. the day i get off crutches. sort of.

so am i the only one who thinks banana republic rules? probably. but ladies, just walk by the one in stonebriar mall & checkout the black dress in the window. fuckin' a. i bought it. and a lot of other shit yesterday, but that's beside the point. this dress is the definition of smokin' hot. i have a wedding next weekend, and was planning on wearing a dress i already have. but not now. it rocks the house. ok, enough talk of this because i'm already having buyer's remorse.

went to the eye doc yesterday. she had to GIVE me a sample that she had of contacts, because i ripped my last pair yesterday. pretty sad. and i didn't realize how expensive those fuckers are! $24/box. that is ridiculous. oh wait, they help me see. nevermind.

ok, well i think that is it for today. hope today's im doesn't offend anyone. hell, who am i kidding? i don't care who i offend. its my blog!
this is my friend russell talking about the girls' weekeend...

rkmds73: ya'll girls will be balled up like two squirrels in a tube sock.
rkmds73: be sure and take pictures of some titties for me

men are pigs.
alright, i'm out.

papa c. rock
(my pimp name)

24 hours and counting!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

AIM rules

mornin kids.
i love instant messenger. it is addicting. i mean it. like crack. i could sit here all day long and talk back and forth and be happy as a pig in shit. that was one hell of a run-on sentence, wasn't it?

we're leaving friday morning. it can't get here quick enough!
talked to brooke last night...i love that lady. although i'm a bit of an outdoorsy-type (is that a word?), i am kinda pumped that we're staying in a cabin this time. might actually stay half-way clean. yes, amber, i JUST MIGHT shower this trip so that my swimsuit doesn't stand on its own.

alright, well i'm finally going to the eye doctor. let's pray that i don't lose my last pair of contacts this weekend or i'll be screwed.

rkmds73: you didn't even say bye yesterday. You are so stuck up
imanoldgringo: WHAT?
imanoldgringo: up yours i am not stuck up


2 days 'til the girls river trip!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

i need my roots done

mornin' folks. excitement here. i ripped a bunch more songs to my ipod last night. stayed up too late, couldn't get out of bed today, story of my life. i have some old school shit on this thing. i was working in my flowerbeds (backyard) on sunday & shakin' it to sir cameron diaz in charlie's angels. except not nearly as cute. hopefully nobody saw the idiocy that took place.

what else? poor keith has to entertain some of my relatives this weekend while i'm gone. he's not too happy about having 4 roommates that he doesn't even know!! amber, koby, if ella doesn't come by then, he may want to crash at your place!!

alright, well i'm off to buy some toner. exciting life i lead...

"$50??? Hell, I'll wax cooters for free!"


3 days 'til the girls river trip!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Me & Big Red.

Big Red (birthday boy), Kim, me.

Jen, Amanda, me.

Chad, Amanda, me.

down time

mornin' kids. is dead here. everyone is in cancun for president's club. lucky bastards.

i'm on the countdown for this weekend. can't wait to get out of town again.
it looks like i am going to have to work remotely on friday, though. good thing my laptop has wireless...i'll be working in the car on the way.

well, this weekend RULED but it was too short. i'll attach pictures later.
i got so much done on saturday morning - the man & i woke up early and beat everyone to the grocery store, which always rocks. then i headed up to starbuck's to log on & get some homework done (and check out the starbuck's hottie). then went & got myself a manicure & pedicure. we had chelsea's graduation party that afternoon, then ryan's 30th birthday out at the griffin's that night. the band wasn't so impressive, but we had a BLAST! i slept out on the screened porch that night - a huge storm blew in, but i stayed dry. the sleeping outside and storm thing is becoming all too familiar. anyway, i woke up at like 4 in the a.m. and keith is sleeping on the couch next to me with his arms inside his shirt. apparently the crown & coke impaired his ability to remember where the blankets were. so i'm nice and all, but i was too tired to go to the car to get the blanket for him. sorry dude. i was thinking "awww...he looks really cold." then i went back to sleep.

saw amber on saturday. i'm hoping ella comes like TODAY. i can hardly stand waiting anymore!!! of course i'm sure amber feels the same.

so, i've decided to start posting IMs that make me laugh. the quotes are getting a little more difficult to remember, since most of them happen when i'm intoxicated. i need to start writing this shit down.
so here's the first one. and those of you who know me will not find it the least bit surprising.

imanoldgringo: i have gas.
tricksieloo: me too.

ok, well i think that's it.


4 days 'til the girls river trip!

Friday, June 03, 2005

i got the blues

afternoon folks.
my vision is so blurry. i'm down to my last pair of contacts and they are getting pretty worn. i need to quit being so damn lazy and go back to the eye doc.

girls night was fun! i just wish it had been a weekend instead of a week night. when you get old like me it is hard to stay up past 10 and feel at all productive the next day. got an email from lindsey this morning. all it said was, "champagne is bad". jamie must have been feeling worse "champagne is VERY VERY VERY bad". haha! good thing courtney sticks to the cheap shit.

i'm sad today so i don't have anything to talk about. sorry dudes.

now this quote is a bit crude, but i was crying when my friend said it.
"i don't like doing it in the daytime, because i don't want him lookin' at my ol' ashy butt"

alright kids.
i'm out.

7 days 'til the girls river trip!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

1500 jello shots. no shit.

howdy kids.
why didn't anyone (specifically you angie) tell me those cookies from paradise were orgasmic?
i wasn't going to eat it but decided to have one little bite. oh my gosh....YUM.

headed over to flower mound to hang with my girls tonight. thursday isn't exactly the best night to get wasted in a town 30 miles (?) from your house...but what the hell!? jamie - hope you can stay sober enough to drive me home. i'm not one who will go down in history for being the most responsible adult, right?

speaking of being irresponsible...we're going to the big surprise party on saturday night. i'm sure i'll drink entirely too much and completely embarrass myself and my spouse. but what else is new? should be like a reunion, so that will be fun. at least all these people know what an idiot courtney is. yep...they've seen me in my prime. like the first time i ever got drunk (on boone's farm and coors light, no less) and spent all night (minus the few minutes i spent skinny dipping) on the bathroom floor of brandon's house puking and trying to concentrate on a red dot. that's me....always been a classy broad! or "such a lady" as keith tells me.

i'm having a moment in which i think the ONLY thing that can cure my aching heart is a good shopping trip! i need to shop. it is an uncontrollable urge. i bought two things yesterday, but that didn't help ease my mind.

sorry for the senseless rambling. its just one of those days....

"it's rainin' it's ass off"

later kats

8 days 'til the girls river trip!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

i wanna be a bum

alright kids.
i can't take it anymore.
i want to work in colorado in the winter and new braunfels in the summer.

fuck the corporate world. this executive-assisting, office-managing, conference-calling, travel-arranging, expense-reporting, webinar-training, meeting-coordinating, question-answering, supply-ordering, alarm-setting, hair-fixing, makeup-wearing, rush-hour-fighting mess is no longer for me.

i wanna just chill. in a hammock. with a book, a beer and a smoke. how 'bout that?
or run a ski lift and laugh at people when they bust ass.
or throw tubes in the back of a trailer and drive drunk people around for $7/hr.
i'm tired of being a responsible adult.
i wanna be a carefree kid.

and all of this may not be too far away. why you ask?
well here we go. i told my boss i was leaving early yesterday for a retirement party for a friend of mine at jcp.
his response: "they still like you there?"
my response: "um...yea. i'm pretty sure."
my boss: "will they take you back?"
me: "uhhhh...shit."

yea, so i didn't really think too much about it until this morning when i was taking a shower (that's when i do most of my serious thinking). and i'm kinda freaked about it right now.

so other than that...umm...nothing.
wait - i'm irritated as HELL at this lady next to me. she talks hella-loud. God have friday, use your inside voice! i'm about to have an anxiety attack over here!

"well-behaved women rarely make history"
(good thing for me)


9 days 'til the girls river trip...